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                           Maya pov
"I got to go" I said as i put my phone in my pocket running out forgetting my stuff. I ran as fast as I could, I was pushing people out the way. I could barely breath because how far I was running and how fast I'm running. I could finally see my apartment building and ran faster as much as I could. I rush in and rush upstairs finding out the my door was on the ground. I started getting scared and I ran to my room to see 5 people banging on my closet door. 

"Y/N we're in love with you, why can't you see that" 

"ya just open the door and we can show you how fun we can have if you open the damn door'

After hearing them saying them I could feel my blood . "HEY WEIRDOS GET AWAY FROM MY GIRL" I yelled out. "Or what short stack" a guy who looks like he's 40 said. "or I could beat your ass" I said. "ooooo I'm scared" they all laughed. I ran out and grabbed my weapon that I made, I ran back. I stared attacking them Sam Puckett Style.

(Don't know why but hey why not)

I took me 20 min just to take down five people. They all lay on the floor unconsious I rush to the closet door. I knocked on it "Hey Y/N....Baby it's me Maya, your save so you can come out so we can get you some where safe" I said loud enough so she can hear me. The door open and attack me with a tight hug. I wispered in her ear trying to calm her down "It's ok baby....everything will be ok" I told her. "ok come on lets get you safe" I said grabbing her hand running out of the place. 

As we are running people would get in the way and trying to take her away. But I would kick them away or push them. Once we made it to Farkle"s house we rush in and locked the doors. "FARKLE I"M BACK" I yelled, he walks out "hey... why is Y/N here" he asked. "People are trying to get down her pants, like they broke my door just to get to her" I explained to him. He nods " You do know that it's going to be hard for all for of us to work right" he said. " ya I know but I don't care, all that matters is that she safe" I smiled at the thought that she safe. 

"So I think that we finally figured out the chemical that spilled on you" he said. She started to smile "wait really... so you guys can finally make cure" she asked. He nods in a response, she started jumping up and down "YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAYYYYYYY" she yelled with a big smile.i could help but smile.

"Alright Y/N, you stay here we will work on everything else" I told her. "Ok" she said as she went to go sit down. Farkle and I went to the room and start working on the cure.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now