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Maya took a deep breath "ok Riley your turn" she said nervously. Riley came and in between Maya and I. She turms around to face Maya but she had a straight face on "peaches......

                          Y/N pov

"peaches.... I got nothing, WE DID IT" she yells out as she jumps up and down. She turns around again and give me a tight hug "I can't breath Riley" I choked out. She let go of me "sorry I'm just really happy" She said. I look up at Maya and she smiled at me, I walk over to her "come here" I said pulling her into a hug "thank you for helping with this" I say. I kiss her on the head, she snuggle up to me more like she doesn't want to let go ever.

"We should go walk to Topanga's" Farkle said "ya sure" I grabbed Maya hand and pull her out of the apartment. It feels like I haven't been out for years. As we walk down the street nothing happends and nobody is trying to kiss me or anything eles. Once we were outside of Topanga's  we all was happy because of nothing happend.

We walked in and sat down on the couches "So.. since that's over and that we don't have to deal with people taking me in my sleep, what do you guys want to do" I asked. "oh and that reminds me" I get up and hit Missy on the arm. "UH OUCH, I get I desverd that but did you have to punch me that hard" she asked as she was rubbing her arm. "yes, yes I did and plus it would be that or Maya hitting you for hitting me" I told her. Missy look over at Maya and Maya was glaring at her "Ya propbly a good idea" She nervously laughs.

For the rest of the time there, we all were laughing about so random things and laughing about what we did in the last few days. "Y/N do you remmber when you fell off the bed because you thought that I was someone to kill you and that you yelled 'please don't kill im sorry" she laughs

"Can we please not talk about it please" I ask quietly. "Lets just be happy that lucas wasn't next to her" Farkle said. "Ya thank god I didn't want to die" I say in relief.

"Well I should go check up with family" I told them as I get up. "Are you coming Maya"I asked. "Ya sure" she smile amd she got up, she got a hold of my hand and we said our goodbye before we left.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now