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                            Y/N pov

I slowly woke up, I could feel her arms around me. I turn to my other side so that I'm facing her. I tucked a strain of hair behide her ear.

She looks so peaceful when she sleeping. I kiss her on the forehead before I slowly and quietly got out of bed. I step out of the room and closing behind me. I walk to the living room and I saw shawn and Katy in the kitchen.  "Good morning honey how was you sleep" Katy asked. "Good" I said as I walk over to the table and sat down.

Katy and Shawn was making breakfast.  "we're glad you decide to stay" Shawn said as he flips a pancake. "I'm glad I stayed to" i say, "so I know we are only juniors and we are not out of school yet but I-" I got cut off by katy. "You want to propose to her"she said with a smile. "Ya" I said while blushing.

"Look I'm all for it but like you said you guys are in your junior year and you'll will be in school still-" Katy got cut off by shawn. "But the school year is almost done and they would be seniors after summer, I think that no matter what Y/N would ask her during the summer or durning their senior year, so it would end up to being engaged durning school then when they are out they would get married so you got my blessing Y/N" Shawn said as he still cooking.

"Ok you got mine blessing to but only if you will let me help plan the wedding" she say. "Deal" I said as I got up and hugged them. "Ok good wake up Maya breakfast is done" Shawn said as he grabs the plate of pancakes and put them on the table. I nod and walk to her room.

I quietly opened the door, I walk in and  see Maya still sleeping. I walk over to her and knee down in front of her. I shower her face with kisses. When I finally got to lip I know she awake because she kissed back. "Good morning babe" I whispered. "Good morning honey" she said. She sat up still trying to wake up. "Breakfast is ready" I told her as I stand back up. She stood up to stretch and I took the opportunity to pick her up bridal style.

She giggles and I spin around twice for fun. I then carrie her to the kitchen table. I saw Shawn and Katy smile at us. "Good morning mom and dad" maya said happily. "Wow your actually in a good mood" katy say in shocked.  "Why do you seem so shocked" Maya asked.

"Ya normally your in a bad mood in the morning" Shawn said. "What can I say Y/N got the magic touch" Maya giggled. "Exactly what did you do to wake her up" katy asked. "I just shower her face with kisses"i said as I put my hands up

They all started to laugh "gosh your adorable" Maya giggled. We start to eat our breakfast while talking and laughing about random things.

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