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                            Y/N pov

"Oh come, please babe" Maya whines as she looks at me with puppy dog eyes. "Maya we don't have that much to get that" I told her. "We can get a job" she said, "even if we get a job we still not going to have the money to get it... Im sorry babe" I say. She look down as she frowns "ok" she mumbled before walking out of my room. "Maya..." I yelled out but she was gone.

I quickly got up and ran after her. I ran out of the house and caught up with her.

Man she's a fast walker

"Maya... Maya.... " I call her but she annoyed me and kept walking. "Maya can you please atop so we can talk" I asked but still nothing. "Ok CAN YOU PLEASE STOP WALKING FOR A FUCKING SECOND" I yelled and she stopped and turned around.

"What... what do you want to tell me... that now we cant get anything for our wedding too... I GET THAT, I KNOW WE ARE POOR YOU DONT HAVE TO REMIND ME EVERY FUCKING TIME" she yelled as tears are threatening to fall. "Maya that not-" I was cut off, "all I wanted you to say is 'ys sure babe we can get it but its gonna take a while but we will get it' but no you just have to remined me that we don't have the fucking money" she said. She took a deep breath and sat down on the curb.

She look at the street and she whipped the tears away. I sat down next to her "Im sorry... I overreacted" she mumbled.  I put my arm around her "hey you don't have to be sorry I get it, you want our onw house and your right I should've told you what you want to her and im sorry for keep reminding you... Maya I will do everything in my power to get that hose for you before someone takes it" I told her as i grabbed her hand.

She smiled "thank you...I will try not to be so a drama queen" she said causing both of us to laugh. I got up and held my hand out for her. "Do you want to go cuddle while we talk about what we want for our special day" I asked. She smile and grabbed my hand "I love to" she said.

I helped her up from the ground and then I intertwine our hands together. We walked back to my house and cuddle.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now