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Bayley pov

We were driving back to the hotel "hey, so I want to tell you something" I said. "What is it" she asked me "So um please don't be mad at me for this" I say get nervous by every second. "You love to huh" she said, I was comfused on how she knew. "I could tell she was dying" she answered. "Look I'm not mad at you and I get it she saved you and all but if you want we could talk to Alexa and talk about things" she said as we stop in a parking spot at the hotel.

Maya pov

I pulled away from the kiss "thank you for everything you done for me and thank you for whatever you are going to do for me" I say. "Anything for you" she said softly with a smile. She peck me on the lips, I pulled her closer to me. I lay my head on her shoulder and we just slow dance but with out the music. Her heart beat us my music "Y/N" I say quietly. "Hmm" she replies "have you ever thought of have kids" she pulled away. "What do you mean" she said. " I mean have you ever thought of having kids with me like do want kids?" I asked her.

"Is that what you want" she me, "you didnt answer my question" I told her. "No I didn't think about it, ya I do want kids it just I want sure if you wanted some"she answered. "The reason why I asked is because I do want kids and I was just thinking about it and that I wanted a family with you" I admit. " so it's settled in both of us wants kids and start a family with each other" Y/N said with a smile. I had a big smiled to "so then how are we going to do it because we're both girls" I asked.

"We will figure that out when the time comes" Y/N said and I nod. "we should probably head in because bayley and Sasha should be here in any second" I said. "Do we have to" Y/N whined, "yes, now come on you baby" I giggled. Right when we got back inside bayley and Sasha walked inside of the hotel room.
Sasha was holding 5 boxes of pizza and Bailey was holding 8 bags in each hand.

"alright so we have 5 boxes of pepperoni pizza and then we have seven different bags of chips cuz I didn't know what you guys liked and then we have a 2 liters of Coke, Pepsi, Mountain Dew, root beer, Sprite, and a dr. Pepper" bayley said as she pulled things out of the bag. "we also bought some vodka and other drinks" Sasha admit. "Bayley and I was talking on the way there and we will allow you guy to drink but we have to make some ground rules like for example rule 1 you can't leave this hotel room. Rule 2 don't puke on the floor puke in the toilet that's in the bathroom. Rule 3 no one go's out on the balcony because we don't want anybody to fall over and then you know.... is that a deal" Sasha asked. "Deal" we all said and Sasha nods.

"Ok so what's first, are we watching a movie or are we playing games first" Farkle asked as he walks over to the kitchen table and sitting down. "we can play games first and then in the night with a movie" Missy suggests. "Or we can watch a movie first so we can play games for the night "Y/N suggests. "Here let's vote on it" Bayley said, "ok, raise your hand if you want to start the night with a movie and end the night with games" she asked and so Y/N, Sasha, farkle, Alex, and I raised our hands up. "Ok, it's settle we're
watching a movie first and since you guys got to say what we're doing first, us three gets to pick out the movie we are going to watch then" Bayley informed us, as she points at Riley and Missy.

Bayley, Riley, and Missy all went to a different room to discuss what movie we are watching. After a couple of minutes they all came back out with a big smile on their faces. "So the movie we are watching is........ Pitch Perfect" Bayley announce. we nod in a response and grabbed everything we need. Y/N sat down on the couch first and then pulled me onto her lap. Sasha sat on bayley left side and Alexa sat on bayley right side. As Bayley sat in the middle and then Farkle set in front of l bayley while Missy and Riley side in front of me and Y/N.

As we were watching the movie we also ate pizza. "I'm just going to say it, Anna kendrick it's so fucking hot" Sasha admits. "Fully agreed with you" missy agreed. So does Riley, Farkle, Alexa and bayley. They look over at us "What do you guys think" Sasha asked. "She ok" I said they then all look over at Y/N "I mean she alright but I still think that Maya is hotter then any one in this wotld" she said causing me to blush.

"Ok, ok stop rubbing it in our face, some of us dont have they're gf with them... it sucks that she had to fly back home" farkle said as he looks down at the end of his sentence. "Sorry Farkle" Y/N said, "it's ok" he said watching the movie again. Everyone was enjoying movie each other's company

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