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                     Maya pov

I was at home on my phone talking to Riley and Y/N.
             (group chat with
                 Riley and Y/N)

Riles- so how was the date

Me- amazing

Babe😍❤- what she said

Babe😍❤- but then again when she around everything is amazing

Riles- wow why can't Lucas could be like you Y/N

Me- awe is wittle huckleberry not good in bed

Riles- MAYA!!!!

Me- what I can't help it

Riles- I bet Y/N not good in bed

Babe😍❤- well we never done it yet but I think I rock her world😉

Me- I bet you could

Riles- ewww

Riles- Y/N have you even lost your v card

Me- Riley!!!!

Babe😍❤- no I haven't... maybe she'll be my first who knows

Riles- Maya get on it before someone else do it for you

Me- first I'll do what I want and second that someone else should stay away if they want to live

Babe😍❤- Damn girl you got fire..... I like it😉

Riles- she always does

Babe😍❤- what about u Riley, have you lost your v card

Me- ofcorse not she's Riley she would never do that

Riles- actually.....

Riles- I did last night..... surprise😨


Babe😍❤- babe are u ok...

Riles- umm Y/N I think I broke your girlfriend

Babe😍❤-Nooooooooooo.....ok I think am good now


Y/N- oh no, it was nice meeting you Riley... I promise I won't forget you..... RIP Riley Matthews

Riles- Yikes

Me- who was it

Riles- sorry can't say to scard

Me- ok I'm going to count down to 10 if you DONT tell me before one I will personally go to your house and make you talk

Riles- Maya dont make me

Me- 10

Me- 9

Me- 8

Me- 7

Me- 6

Me- 5

Riles- nooooooooo

Me- 4

Me- 3

Me- 2

Babe😍❤- just tell her before she kills you

Riles- Fine....... it was........ um it was Lucas

Me- ooooooooo mama is gonna kill a cowboy tonight

Riles- what have I done

Babe😍❤- if I was you I would say goodbye to you boy toy before it's no late

Me- well I got to go, see you in 50 babe I love you❤

Babe😍❤- I love u to❤

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