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                            Y/N pov

It was Thursday afternoon and I was in my room practicing the song that I picked out. "Y/N, dinner is ready" my mom yelled from downstairs. "Ok I'll be down in a minute" I yelled back. I pause the video that I was using practice. Then I ran downstairs and sat down at the table with everybody. I quickly ate my dinner and once I was done I put it in the sink. I ran back upstairs and unpause the video and started practicing again.

Once I was done for the night I turn off my computer. Then I grab my phone and laying down on my bed. I look do Instagram and I so a picture of Maya.


M_Hart- getting ready for the contest with Riley, really excited

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M_Hart- getting ready for the contest with Riley, really excited

Right when I get done at reading her post she texted me..

Babygirl😍- hey babe

Me- hey babygirl😍😘

Babygirl😍- how is things going with the song

Me- good I guess

Babygirl😍- that's good

Me- ya, what about you

Babygirl😍- it's good

Me- that's good

Babygirl😍- ya


Babygirl😍- so are you excited for tomorrow

Me- I guess yeah, what about you

Babygirl😍- ya kind of but Riley is really excited for this she would not stop talking about it

Me- oh I bet

Babygirl😍- ya

Babygirl😍- so I know it's a school night but do you want to sleep over at my house

Me- yeah sure

Babygirl😍- cool see you soon then

Me- ok see you soon

Babygirl😍- love you

Me- love you to

Babygirl😍- bye

Me- bye

I grabbed everything I need for tomorrow and climb out of the window. I ran to Maya's house. Once I got there I went straight to the fire escape. I cleaned up to her window and I knocked on it. She came into her room and open her window. "You do know that we have a front door right she said.

"yeah but what's the fun in that" I said as I climb into her room. I sat down on her bed and she sat down next to me. "So what do you want to do" she asked.
I kissed her "I want to finish this thing that we started this morning" I said before I smash our lips together.

She lay me down on her bed and climb on top of me. The kiss was rough and passionate. After a couple of minutes she kissed down to my neck causing me to let out a small moan. She then kids back up to my lips.

After a while of making out we finally broke apart and start cuddle. We were watching TV for a little bit until we fell asleep. But before we fell asleep we both that we love each other.

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