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                          Maya pov

"What was that about"Missy said. "I don't know, but I'm gonna find out" I say before I walk over to bayley. "Hey what happened out there" I asked her. "I only told her the truth" she say. She then grabbed Sasha hand "we got to go" bayley said before pulling sasha out the door. "What about Y/N though" I asked, "what about her" she asked coldly. "She out there alone" I yelled. "She can handle herself" she say before leaving.

"Ok then, come on you guys we need to go find her now" I said as I walk out but notice that no one is following me. So I took a few step back and look inside the room. "What are you guys wait for? A invitation or something" I asked. They all up and rush out the door. "Farkle and Missy you go right, Riley and I will take left and in 30 minutes we'll meet back here... got it" I asked them. "Why can't it be Riley and me" Missy whined.

"Because then the two of you would mess around and wont be look for her, so that why... can we go now" I snapped. I don't mean to be snappy it just I'm worry. I know that I can trust them but the second reason is that Riley  can calm me down like Y/N can. Like most people in our school though that Riley and I would end up together because how close we are.

She nodded and turn to start walking "come on Farkle " she said. Farley flash me a small smile and follows her. I turned around and start walk the opposite direction having Riley follow behind. 

                         Bayley pov
"Whatever you told Y/n... was it the actual the truth" Sasha asked as she pull her arm away from my grip. I let out a loud sigh "no...: I trail off. "Then why did you lie to her, she came here to see you and you lie to her why?" She ask. "If you knew my family then you'll understand but you don't so why do you care" I say getting frustrated. "Ok let me guest your mom and dad didn't like that your a wrestler and that your part of the wwe, so they force Y/N to not talk to you and so you left without say bye.... I think I summed up what's happening" she explained, "h-how did you-" she cut me off "it happened to me and my cousin... he was like you and I was I like Y/n, we both went to go see our cousin but the difference is Y/N friends with her and she has you... Bayley my cousin did want to see me he acted like I was there and just walked away and when I finally got to talk to him, he told me that he didn't want me in his life and that I was dead to him" she said the last part with pure sadness.

She was look at the ground she then look back up and I could see the tears in her eyes. "Dont do what my cousin did... dont push her away she came to you because she missed you... and who care of what you other family say, she came because she cares so go find and tell her the truth bayley because if you dont then your gonna lose her forever and it sucks"

She was right I cant lose Y/N, she's one of my best friends."ok... I'll go find her" I say as I gave sasha a hug before I start look around for her. As I was running I wasn't paying attention to where I was going at bumped into someone. "Oh gosh I'm sorry" I say getting up. I look at who it was and its maya. "Hey where Y/N" I asked "oh I'm fine thanks for asked and I dont know... we been looking 20 minutes now, like we been everywhere in this building and still can't find her" Maya said, She looks scared and worry.  "Hey Maya everything will be f-" I got cut off when we head a loud scream.

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