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I was in my room thing about what she said about not care we get married. I want to make everything perfect for her. She deserved everything in the world.

I should talk to Riley and see what she say about it. I grabbed my phone and started texting her.

Me- hey

Riley👷‍♀️- hey Y/N

Me- can we talk about something

Riley👷‍♀️- is about Maya?

Me- ya it is

Riley👷‍♀️- are you guys ok

Me- ya everything fine I just need help to figure out something

Riley 👷‍♀️- ok what is it

Me- so yesterday morning I was talking to her parents and i asked them if i had permission to asked Maya to marry me


Me- ya thanks, so now can you help me please

Riley👷‍♀️- ok ok sorry what do you want me to do

Me- I need you to give me something that will help the proposal be perfect for her

Riley👷‍♀️- ok you know that she loves to draw

Me- that's it, I have an Idea, meet up?

Riley👷‍♀️- can I bring Missy with

Me- sure, so where do you want to meet up where Maya wont be

Riley👷‍♀️- the mall, she would never be at the mall

Me- ok meet you guys there in 30

Riley👷‍♀️- ya I'm excited

I quickly got up and put my shoes on, I put my phone in my pocket and rush out.

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