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                      Y/N pov

I woke up and got ready for the day. When I got done I took out my phone and sat down on my bed. Someone knocked on my door. "Come in"I said. "Hey so I bought tickets to an art show for your dad and I but now we have to work so I want to give this to you" my mom said.

"Thanks mom" I said giving a hug. "Your welcome" she smiled. She walks away and I sat back down on my bed looking at the tickets. Then I decided to text Maya.

Me: hey

Maya: hey

Me: anything to do today

Maya: normally I would hang out with Riley but if you have something in mine then I'm in

Me: I was just think about going to an art show that my mom the tickets for and it's yours if you want to go

Maya: omg really

Me: ya, so are you up for it

Maya: hell ya I am

Me: ok I'll pick you up in an hour

Maya: see you soon

I went in my closet and grabbed a pencil box. I put the pencil box on my bed. I opened it and there was money in it. I started counting it.

10/$100- $1,000
20/$50- $1,000
10/$20- $200
40/$10- $400
90/$5- $450
120/$1- $120
With all of that the total is $3,170 +the money that's in my bank so that would be $3,170+$30,930=$34,000

I been saving up for a car but I could take some money out to have a night of fun with Maya. I might just take out like $200 and that only would leave me $33,800 so it's not that bad.

I took $200 out and put it in my pocket. I close the box and put it back in my closet. I grabbed my sweater and tickets.

I grabbed my house keys and left. I walked to Maya's house. When i got there I knocked on the door. She opened the door, she look adorable.

"H-hi uh are you r-ready to go" I stutter

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"H-hi uh are you r-ready to go" I stutter. She giggled "Ya I'm ready" she smuled. She step out and closed the door behind her.

"Uh you look cute" I said. She blushed "thanks...you do to" she said. I blushed "Uh ya thanks" I said.
                     Maya pov

I links arms with her. I look up to her and she was blushing. She looks adorable when she blushing.

We started walking to the subway. "So hey I was wondering after the art show we could get something to eat" she asked. "Sure but it's just I don't have a lot of money" I said. "Thats ok I could pay for you" she smile.

"You don't have to" I said. "Its ok I want to plus you worth waisting money on" she smirks.

She did not just say that

"No I'm not" I laugh, "Maya you are" she said. "Ok what ever you say" I said with a smile.

We got to the sub way, I brought money to put on my card. I took out the money and put money on it. Y/N was standing next to me. I only had $10 so it would only last me a week.

I put in the money in and when I was about to push the button to put it on the card Y/N push me out of the way and she grabbed out $50 and put it in. She then got out of the way. "Y/N..." I whine "what.. like I said you worth spending money on so just take it" she say with a smirk.

"Fine.... but that's the last time" I said firmly. "Thats what you think" she wispered. I grabbed my card and we walked off.

Out of nowhere she intertwine out and hands. I look at her and smuled. We got on the train and sat down. We were still holding hands. It's like our hands fit perfectly together.
We were look at this on picture. It was two people sitting on a bench looking at a city. It was beautiful. Every art work that's are in here is beautiful.

"Excuse me everyone we are closing in 2 minutes" a person said through the speakers.

"Are you ready to go" she asked. "Ya I'm ready" I said, she grabbed my hand and we walked out. "You hungry" I nodded in a response. "Ok good I got a good place we could go eat at"she smiled.

We arrived at the restaurant. It was one of those expensive one. "Y/N this is to expensive even for you" I signed. "Dont worry about it ok it's fine I just want you to have a great time" she said.

We walked in "table for two please"Y/N asked. "Ok right this way please" the girls said. We followed the girl to our table. We got to our table and we sat down. "I already know what to get so could we get steaks with....... wait do you want salad or fries" she asked me. "Um fries because why not" I said.

"Ok steak and fries for both and for drinks uh let just do water" she asked. "Ok I will get your drinks" the waitress said.

"I feel bad because I can't get yo-" I got cut off by her. "You don't have to buy anything for me, just you being here is enough for me"she said quietly. I started blushing.

The waitress came back with our food and we started eating. The rest of the time we were laughing and makes weird jokes.

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