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Maya pov

My alarm went off, I turned it off and I grabbed my phone. I saw that I got a texted from Y/N.

Y/N: good morning beautiful I hope that you sleep well, oh and I got up around 4 in the morning because.... I really don't know but anyways I went to get you some breakfast it's in you.... yes I climbed throw your window and then when I pick you up and 7 I'll get some coffee for us.... ok um bye

I smile at her text and I jump up to see that the was food on my dresser. I got up and grabbed it. There was a note on top of it.

To the amazing person on her ❤

Aww I opened it and started eating. After I got done eat I went to get ready. (This is what she wearing)

I check the time and it said 6:50am I grabbed my phone and my backpack

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I check the time and it said 6:50am I grabbed my phone and my backpack. Right when I walked to the living room I heard a knock.

I opened the door and it reveals Y/N. "Your early.... can't get enough of me" I smirked. "Your right I can't because I love you" she said. Our eye widen when she realized what she said. "I uh s-sorry I know that your not r-" I cut her off my kissing her.

"Hey it's fine because I love you to" I said. She smiled and hugged me. "Well we should get the coffee and then go pick up Riley" I say as I grabbed her and and shuts the door behind me.

We walked in hand in hand to Topanga's. When we got in there we saw my mom. We walked to the counter. "Hey girls" my mom said happily. "Hey mom, can we get two cups off coffee" I asked. "Oh and a cup of hot chocolate for Riley" Y/N added.

Aww, she so sweet and this is why love her.

"Ok umm, Maya do you want me to pay for you" My mom asked. "Ya please"I said. My mom started taking out her money and about to pay mine but Y/N stop her. "That won't be necessary Ms.Hart because I'll pay for it" Y/N said as she give the money to my mom.

"Oh uh ok" my mom said putting her money in her pocket and then grabbing the money from Y/N. She did her thing and grabbed the rest of the money and gave it to Y/N. "Heres $15.65 back" she said.

Y/N grabbed out $20 and plus the change. "Here this is for you Ms.Hart" Y/N said. "Oh no I can't take that" my mom said. "Y/N What are you doing" I asked. "What I think you'r mom deserve this, work hard and nobody's appreciated that she does... so please take the money Ms.Hart" Y/N said.

My mom took the money "thank you"she smiled. My then gave us our drinks. We walked out the Topanga's. We walked towards Riley's house without talking.

When we got there I push the button to the speaker. "He loser it's Maya" I said. I hear the buzz and then I opened the door. We walked to Riley's door and I walked in with Y/N behind me.

"Hey Matthews" I said as I walk up to them. "Hey Maya" Mrs.Matthews said. "Who this" Mrs.Matthews asked. "Oh uh this is Y/N my..." I trail off. "My what" she asked. "Uh my... friend ya my friend" I said.

"Oh nice to meet you Y/N" Mrs.Matthews said as she shake her hand. I look at Riley and she was giving me a weird look. Then I looked at Y/N she looks upset.

Riley pov

I could see that Y/N upset. "Umm here uh this is for you Riley" Y/N said handing me a cup from Topanga's. "It's hot chocolate" she added. "Oh uh thanks but you did have to" I said with a smile. "Ya I did I wanted to be nice and your approval for being Maya's g-" Maya cut her off. "for being friends" maya said.

"Uh right for b-being friends" she stuttered. I saw tears in her eyes. I look at me mom and my mom looked at me. "Talk to her" my mom mouth. I nodded, "Y/N Maya and I will be right back" I said. "Ok" she said quietly. I stood up and grabbed Maya's hand wrist.

I pull Maya to the bay window. "What the he'll is going on, your hurting her" I yelled. "I'm hurting her, Riley she hurting me!! She been buying me things and giving money to mom and she waiting money on me for nothing and it feels like the only reason she likes me because she feels bad for me!!" She yells.

"Or maybe she doing it because she being nice" I yelled back. "Maya she trying to show you that she loves you" I said calmly. "I don't think that" she said. "Are you kidding me, Maya, she came to get my approval to go out with you... how are you not see that she a great person" I yelled.

"Well if you think she so great then go out with her" Maya yell before climbing out the window.
"Maya come back" I yelled, but nothing I sigh. I got up and walked to the kitchen see Y/N sit there look down.

My mom pull me to the side. "She hear everything you guys said" I look at Y/N. "I... I don't know what to do mom" I said. "I don't know honey but I do know that you'll finger out something"she said as she hugs me.

"All I was doing is trying to make her happy"Y/N wispered. "I didn't mean to make her feel bad all I want to show her that she worth everything to me... to show her that I love her" she continued.

She stood up "I uh I got to go umm can you tell your dad to just send the homework to my house umm y-ya... b-bye Riley" she said before running out.

I feel really bad for her. All she was doing is to be nice and maya treats her like this. I need to fix this.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now