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                            Y/N POV

"Hey, guys we're here" the driver said. I can feel myself panicking more. I'm nervous because I haven't seen her for a long time and people change through out the year so I'm not sure on what her reaction would be when she sees me.

I took a deep breath before I step out of the car. I was shaking and I could tell that maya noticed because when she got out over the car she hugged me for behind. "Hey... everything is going to be fine, I promise" she whispered in my ear. I nod in a response not trusting my voice right now. Once everyone got out we all headed to the VIP session.

We were waiting in line to get when we saw cars pulling up to where the wrestlers go to park they're cars. There were like 6 of them and the first 5 went in and one stopped at the corner. Everyone that was outside was screaming except us. The driver got out and opened the door for who ever was in there. But once I saw who.it was my heart started to beat really fast that my body could keep up with it. No to long we both made eye contact with each other. She looked shocked.

There she was... standing there in her uniform look straight at me. Before I knew it she came running towards me. "Y/N!!!" She yelled, she had a huge smile on her face. "Bayley!!"yell running up to her. We then both tackled each other to the ground happy to see each other. "Omg you here... God I've miss you so much" she said as she tightened her arms around me.

I couldn't stop smiling "I've miss you to bayley, you have no idea" I said. We soon pulled away "wait how are you here, I thought your mom doesn't want you to see me" she asked. "Oh right..
my fiance got the idea to come see you" I smiled. "Oh tha- wait did you just say fiance?" She asked. I look behind me and look over at me with a big goofy smile "yes I did" I say happily. I turn back around and look over at bayley.

"Aww my baby is growing up" she say in baby voice as she pinch my cheek. I started blushing and push her off of me. She was laughing when a girl with purple hair came to stand next to her and she grabbed her hand so now there's holding hands. She look up and down with smile. "Hi, I'm sasha"she say with her hand out waiting for me to shake it. I shake her hand "nice to meet you sasha I'm Y/N" I say unsure what to say next.

"Its nice to meet you to Y/N... by the way love you name, its sound like something beautiful" she say with a wink. "I uh t-thanks i-i guess" I studded.

                           Maya pov 

"Did that bitch just wink at Y/N" I growled, I was about to walk over there to be the crap out of that bitch when Riley and Farkle hold onto my arms. "Woah maya calm down" Farkle said. I look at farkle glaring at him, I could see the fear in his eyes. "Maya you need to calm down, you don't want to ruin this for Y/N" Riley say as she hold me down.

I took a deep breath "ok I'm good, im just going to walk over there and hold her so that bitch know that she taken" I say before walking over to Y/N and grabbed her hand. "Oh hey... guys this is maya" she introducing me to them. "Hi I'm bayley" she said as we shake hand. "Hi, nice to meet you bayley" I look over at the girl and she was glaring at me. All I could do was to smirk because I know that I'm the one with Y/N.

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