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                             Y/N pov

I felt something hit me in the arm, I opened my eyes and see a bracelet on the floor of the car. I picked it up and it said sasha and the I saw that it had a tracker on so I quickly put it in my pocket before they got in the car. "Let's go before the catch up" the girl said. "What are we doing with kid" a guy asked. "She just bait, we need her to get bayley and when we do we'll kill her" the girl said.

                            Maya pov

I hope that she ok, I wish I did listened to farkle and just went. "Turn left" I said and I look at her phone. I look up as she turning "I still cant believe that Alexa love bayley" Sasha say. "Why do you care" Missy asked her. Sasha glance up look at missy through the mirror then back at the road. "Because she my girlfriend friend" she said. "We just haven't told anyone" she say. I look over at her "for how long" I asked. "A year" she answered, I nod and look back down at the phone "turn right" I said. "Ok now this is get freaky, because we're in the middle of nowhere" sasha said. I agree, I have a bad feeling about all of this.

                           Y/N pov

The car stopped and everyone got out, I quickly locked the two back doors. "Are we really going to do this now" the girl asked. The guy who was in the driver seat unlocked the door with the keys but I locked it again. "Ok you go to that door and you go to the other side" she damand. Once the door unlocked I tried to lock both of then but I was to late. The grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me out. "Now come on they should be here soon" the girl said.  Two of the guys dragged me in said of this build.

                          Bayley pov

"Can we just forget what I said please" Alexa asked. "I dont think I can though" I say. She let out a sigh we turned again "ok where the hell are we going because we're in the middle of nowhere" I asked. "Umm I think I might know" she said softly. "What" I asked, "nothing" she as we slow down, I look forward to see that sasha stopped. sasha got out and with over to Alexa window.

"My phone died and I have nowhere we are at.... we lose her" she said. What! this cant be happening, this is my fault. I couldn't help her and now she gone with people that would just hurt her. "I actually might now where we are, Nia dad has burn around here "she told us. "Ok then we follow you then" Sasha said, she looks over at me mouth 'I love you' without alexa seeing. She walks back to her car and Alexa starts driving again.     
"So bayley will you be able to fight" alexa asked. "For Y/N, always" I say, i dont care if i'm in a lot of pain as long as Y/N ok and safe. "Ok, but hey if we get out of there alive do you think we can start over and forget whatever happened between us back then" alexa asked. "Ya sure" I say with a smile, she had a smile to.

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