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Y/N was finally asleep again, so I went back downstairs into the room where everyone else is. "What did we do wrong now" I asked them. "I'm  not sure but let's try to go through the notes one more time and see what we could do before time runs out" Farkle said as he grabs the notes.

"Maybe we forgot a chemical or something" Missy suggested. "No that can't be it because the only chemicals that was in here was the these and maybe just maybe I might be doing this wrong" Farkle explained. "What do you me your doing this wrong" I asked him.

"You see I did the chemical stuff day before she came over" he said. "Then i put a cup of rain drop in there and shaked it up for 3minutes....ohhh uh  well looks like we need a another cup" he continue. "Really farkle we been doing this wrong the whole and now you remember how you did it" I asked in frustration. "I'm sorry I can't work under pressure" he defend themselves.

"Ok whatever I'll go get another c-"I cot cut off by Riley. "Don't have to I already got it"she smiles. She hands me the cup "thanks riles" I said. "Your welcome peaches" she went to go sit back down next to Missy. I put the cup onto the table and I stood up "alright Riley, Missy you can go and take nap, me and Farkle will make the cure again" i told them.

They nod and went to the room that farther away from Y/N. "Ok well I'll be right back I'm going to check up on Y/N, so you can start it" I said. "Ok" he say before working on the cure already. I walk to Farkle's room. I knock on the door "COME IN" she yelled. I slowly open the door and peaked my headed in "hey are you ok" I asked as I walked in.

"Ya I'll be fine" she say laying down on the bed. I said on the bed next to her and I put my hand on her leg rubbing it. "So Farkle was telling how he did the experiment so the whole time we were making the cure are doing it on the whole time just because he couldn't remember how he did it" i explained what happened. "Wow" she giggled  "who knew that Farkle could be wrong" she laughted. "Right, it's weird because he's always right" I said.

"So how long is it going to take" she asked "well he told us that he did the chemical stuff the day before you came so Farkle and I are going to stay up and work on that care once again then we're going to have to leave it overnight for tomorrow and then after tomorrow right in the morning all of us are going to poor the raindrops and then shake it up for like three minutes or whatever he said then give it to you so we can see if it worked and hoping that it really does cuz I don't know if I could deal with this" I said as im  getting up. "Oh ok, so it's a two day process" she frowns. "Ya it is" I say "but it will be all worth it" I continued.

I walked over to Y/N and then down to give her a kiss. "Ok go to bed because the faster you sleep the faster the day will go by" I tell her tucking her in. I kissed her on the forehead "Goodnight baby" I said "goodnight Maya" she smiled. I walk out and shut the door, I leaned on to the door. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath "everything will be ok" I wispered to myself.

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