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Once we arrived at Fakle's apartment building we stopped at the door. "ok, you ready to find your cousin" she asked. I took a deep breath and nod my head. "im ready... lets do this thing" I say as I opened the door and held it opened for to walk in and then I follow her. We walked up to his front door and Maya knocked on it. 

Not to long the door opened up and there standing was farkle. "Y/N, Maya what are you guys doing here" he asked. "we need your help with something and them we would need a ride there once we find the person we are looking for" Maya say. Farkle looked at us for a second then he step aside "come in" he side. "what can I do" He asked, Maya looked over at me then looked back at him. "can you find a person... with your science stuff" Maya asked him.

"who are we trying to find first of all" He asked as we head to his lab room. "My cousin" I said walking into the room first and having them following after me. "Oh" he said opening his laptop and longing in. "what's her name" he asked "Pamela Rose Martinez" I told him. He started to typing her name out, he press enter and it came with pictures of her in her wrestler outfit.  I they both had they're mouths opened. 

"wow I didn't know your cousin was famous" he said. "ya I didn't either until she told me an hour ago" Maya said. "Well at lest we know where we can find her" Farkle said as hes looking through the evens that was put on the website. "It looks like they are going to be in Boston" he said. He turns around "ok so I find us a ride..." he was cut off by Maya.

"Us?... farkle your not coming" she said. "Then I guess she wouldn't be able to go see her cousin" he let out with a smirk. She looks over at me "ok fine yoh can come only because We need you to get us there" she said. "Yes!!" He said excitedly "ok I'll get everything set up, so you guys should start get thing packed up for the trip, i call you when I got everything set up" he told us.

We nod and walked out, and walk back to Maya's place. We started packing thing up like we were told.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now