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When we got done at Missy's we meet  the girls at Maya's house. "Ok is everyone ready to go" Maya asked. We all nod in a responsed "ok cool ill let Farkle know" she said pulling out her phone.

I got uo from where I was and walk over to Maya and look over her shoulder to see what was going on. Farkle said he be here in a couple of minutes.

I wrapped my arms around Maya's waist. I kiss her on the cherk, she let out a soft giggle. She leans into me more "So farkle will be her in a couple of minutes... what do you guys what to do" Maya asked the other two girls.

"Hows your sex life" Missy asked us. Maya and I look at each other then back at them "well uh we only did it once...." I tailed off. Missy started laugh "wow... you guys are so boring, Riley and I have sex as much as we can" Missy said. I look over at Riley anz she was blushing alot.

"Wow riles so your not the same innocent girl I use to know"Maya say. "Ya ya and you turned soft" Riley said as she sat on Missy lip. Maya was going to say something but there was a knock at the door. I let go of Maya and went to go open the door. There stands Farkle with a smile "are you guys ready" He asked. "Yup" I replied, I grabbed Maya's and I's suitcase.

He nods and started walking to back down. Riley and Missy fallowed behind him as Maya and I remain in the house. "Are you ready" I asked watching as she looking around for something. She went to the kitchen "Ha found it" she said holding up a the engagement ring. "I took off when I did dishes earlier" She explained.

I grabbed Maya and I's stuff, she look over at me "you know that I can carry my own this righ?" She asked. "Yes I know but I want to carry them for you"I told her, she snile at "well thank you then" she smile before pecking me on the lips.

I walked out of the door first and having her folloe me out. She shuts the door and locked it. We headed down where everyone is. Once we bgot out said we saw them standing there "finally... what to you two so long" Farkle asked.

"I forgot to put my engagement ring back on when i got done doing the dishes so I was trying to fine it" Maya explained. He nods "alright lets get this show on the road" He say. I just shook my head as we got in the car.

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