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It was about time that I could go pick up Y/N for our date. I grabbed my house keys and walked out of the door.

What I have plan is that I would pick her up and head back to my place and cook dinner for us. Then while we eat we could watch her favorite movie. Then we could do anything she wants. Then I'm going to take her to the roof to watch the stars.

I went up to her door and knocked on to her. When she opens the door my jaw drop to the ground. "Y-ypu l-look.... Wow" i whispered.  I was speechless I couldn't form any words to describe how looks. She like an angle from heave but hot then that.

"You l-look beautiful" I smiled. "Thanks not to bad yourself" she said. "Umm so you ready to go"I asked holding out my hand for her. "Ya" she smile she grabbed my hand.

We walked to my house, "so I was thinking that I could cook us dinner and while we are eating we could watch your favorite move then we could do something you want to do and then we could go up to the roof and watch the stars.... What do you think" I asked her.

"It sound great" she smile, we got to my house. I unlocked the door and step a side to let Y/N in first. I walked I closed the door behind me. I walked into the kitchen and started cook us dinner.

When I got done I put it on our plate and then I grabbed them. I walked to the front room and hand her her plate. "Thanks babe, it looks good" she said.

I put in her favorite move and sat down next to her. I grabbed the remote and press play.
              (After the movie)
"God I love that movie" she said. I nodded in agreement, "so what do you want do" I asked her. "Could we draw a picture together" she asked. I smiled "ya what do you want draw" I asked as I grab my things.

"Us" is the only thing she said. "Ok.. Come here" I said. She sat on my lap and she grabs the pincle. I put my hand on top of hers and guide her hand through the drawing.

We got done drawing it "wow its amazing... Can i keep it" she asked. "Ofcorse you can" I say with a goofy smile on my face. "Come on" I say standing up and grabbing hand.

We got on the roof and i lay out the blanket that I brought with us. We lay down on the blanket we cuddle up together.

"Its beauiful" she said in awe. "Not as beautiful as you" i said. She look at me "I love you Maya" "I love you to Y/N" i said. We both lean until our lips connected. We pulled apart and spend that night in each other arms.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now