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                            Y/N POV

I pulled apart from her and I grabbed her hand. "Come on let's go tell everyone" I said as I pull her into Topanga's. You could see that everyone was having a great time. We walk to the middle of the room. "HEY GUYS CAN I GET YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE" I yelled out and everyone stop talking and looked at me.

"So I decided to say here because one, my parents just made some friends and I can't stand that I made my parents leave their friends because I just want to sing, but more importantly I can't leave my friends and family, especially this one right here" I said. I look around to see everyone smiling "I know we just got done packing but I just leave anyone here" I said, everyone were smiling.

"Are you sure honey" my mom asked "ya I'm sure, you can call him and tell him we're not going" I said. My mom nod and took her phone out. "So I guess this is party for them staying, let's have some fun" Mr.Matthew's yelled. Everyone started doing there own thing. I sat down on a couch and I opened my arm for Maya. She smiled as she sat on my lap and leaned into me. Her head was laying on my shoulder.

I put my arms around her "I'm glad that you stayed even through I told you to go" she said quietly. "Ya I'm glad I'm staying to" I said.  "Stop being cute, you make me sick" Riley said with a smile on her face. "The one who speaking"
I said. Both Riley and Missy blushed "shut Y/L/N you two are like goals" Missy say.

"I fully agree with Missy" Zay said as she sat down across. "You like the gay version on Corey and topanga" Shawn said. "The big question is who's the guy in this relationship" my mom joined in. "its definitely Y/N" Maya say as she snuggled into me more. "Awwww"they all said.

I started blushing, "look guys she blushing" my mom point out.  "Dont you guys have anything better to do" I asked.  "Probably but we like seeing you guys like this, we finally get to see Maya soft side" Lucas said. "Shut it huckleberry" maya said as she points at him. Lucas put his hands up "alright" he say as he backs up away from us. We all laughted at the scene.

Everyone finally went back to doing there thing. Maya and I was still cuddling up but maya feel asleep. I was just thinking about what would happen if I did went. Soon sleep took over me, I tighten my grip on Maya

                            Katy pov

I look over at Maya and Y/N and they both were sleeping. I tapped on Shawn shoulders "babe take a picture of them" I said. He nods and grab his camera out of his bag and walk over to them. I tapped on topanga's shoulders. Turn around and I just point at the girls. "Aww that so cute" she stares in aww.
"Y/M/N look" I said, she turns around and look in aww.

We were getting really to go so we started cleaning up. "Who going to wake up the girls" I asked. "Because I'm not doing it Maya is scary when someone wakes her up" I said as I back up and does everyone except Corey and  Shawn. They look behind them then look at each other in fear.

"We should wake Y/N up first and maybe she can wake up Maya for us" Shawn suggested. Corey nod in agreement then they slowly wake up to them. Shawn shook Y/N shoulders trying to wake her up but nothing.

                           Maya pov

I could feel Y/N shake so I opened one eye and saw shawn trying to wake her up. "Do it again and I'll cut your head off" I growled. "AHHHHHH" both Corey and Shawn screamed as they jumped back. 

I sat up trying to wake up more. "What's going on" I asked, "we are getting ready to go"my mom said. "Ok Y/N is staying the night" I said and I got up and slowly picked her up trying not to wake her up. "You have t-" my mom got cut off by Y/N's mom. "Its fine" she smiles at me.

"Ok see you there mom" I say as I walk out. I started walking to my house and i only had to stop a couple of times to register her then keep walking. When I got there I gently opened the frint door and kicked it closed.

I walk to my room I walk in and gently put her down. I closed the door and climbed into bed with her. I struggled up to her, putting my arm around her waist. I then let sleep take over me once again.

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