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                      Riley pov

I quickly sat up looking out of the bay window. What did I just do? I look back down at my phone and quickly text lucas.

Me- hey Lucas we need to talk

Mr.perfect- ok what's up

Me- so last night Zay took me to the party last night

Mr.perfect- ok, why are you telling me this

Me- Because Zay lied to me and got me drunk and i lost my v card and not to long ago I was talking to Maya and told her that we had sex and now she on her way to kill you

Mr.perfect- Riley!!!!!

Me- I'm srry!!!

Mr.perfect- so who did you had sex with then

Me- .....

Mr.Perfect- ?

Me- Charlie

Mr.perfect- oh well that something


Mr.perfect- how

Me- idk do your little cowboy charm you do

Mr.perfect  first I dont know what your talking about but ok I can try

Me- thank you

                     Lucas pov

By the time I got done talking to Riley, Maya climbed throw my bedroom window. She looks so piss, sorry Riley but I'm not dieing to night.

"before you hurt me I didn't have sex with Riley and if you dont believe me then read our conversation"I said handing her my phone. Her expression change from pissed to shocked.

"wow"is all she said, "well sorry for just early I should got and have a talk with Riley" she said. "ok and it's ok you can climb through my window anytime you want" i said and then wink at her.

"first I'm with Y/N and second never do that again if you want to live" she said glaring at me. She climbed out leaving me there alone.    
                     Maya pov

I was on my way to Riley's house. While I was waiting for the subway to stop I text Y/N.

Me- well it wasn't huckleberry

Babe😍❤- what

Me- Riley had sex with Charlie

Babe😍❤- wow didn't see that coming

Me- right me to, well gtg I love you see you soon

Babe😍❤- ok love you to

I got off of the subway and made my way to Riley's house. When i got there I climbed up the fire escape. She is already there, I climbed in "so it was Charlie that took your v card" I said sitting next to her.

"Why did you lie to me"I asked her. "I dont know I was scard what you were going think.... I was drunk and dont remmber of doing it until I woke this morning in his bed" she said looking down. "So I lost my v card a dont remmber any of it, I was wait for the right time and now it's ruin"she say it in a upset voice.

"Then dont think that it was your first just think of it as a dream" I suggested. "I guess I could" she say looking up at me. "I'm sorry for lieing to you, I promise i won't do it again" she said. "Good"I say hugging her. "So do you want to sleep over"she asked,"Sure" I smiled.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now