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                          Maya pov

We start to run straight to where we hear a scream but we haven't seen anything. The were people arrested looking as confused as we were. "What the hell was that" some random guy said. We all hear a another scream and  a 'let me go'. Everyone started running towards it. Then everyone stop.like the were stunned or something.

Bayley and I pushed our way to the front and once we got there we stopped in our tracks to, having no idea what to do. "It that one of our security guards" some one said and then another person said something "Ya it is, why is he hurt this poor kids". I finally got the ability to move and ran straight toward the guy. He was about to hit Y/N with a beaten stick (that the cops use). I tackled the guy down to the ground. "Stay the hell away from my fiance"I yelled.

I the guy push me off of him and started attacking me with the stick this time. After the 4th hit, the guy was tackled by bayley and then everyone else started pulling bayley off the guy and having more security guards come and take the guy away. bayley and I rush to Y/N. "Hey you ok" bayley asked but she didnt answer her. Y/N just got out of her grip and snuggled into me more.

I put my arms around her "it's going to be ok" I whisper to her. "Y/N, I'm sorry ok, I'm sorry I didn't mean what I said, I was just trying to protect myself from getting hurt a depressed again...please I'll do anything to get you to forgive me" Bayley asked. Y/N still didn't say anything. "I'm sorry ok, I dont want to lose you" bayley said. Y/N look at her and then at me "give her a second chance I mean we did just showed up and talk to her about it" I whispered. Y/N nods and then look back at bayley "fine but next time I wont" Y/N say with no emotion. "Thank you" bayley say with relief.

                           Y/N pov

We sat there for a minute or two, i was still trying to process everything. "Come on the others want us back" bayley say as she puts her phone in her pocket. Maya got up then she held out her arm and helped me up slowly. "So what exactly happened to cause that to happen" bayley asked. I took a deep breath. "So as I was walking by I over heard a conversation..."I tailed off.

Maya put one of my arm around her neck and held onto to my hand then she put her right arm around my waist. We slowly started walking, but as we did I was in so much pain that it hurts to move. "Stop, stop... it hurts" I say as I try to move anymore. Then before I knew it I was cared in a bridal style. It was maya who was carrying me. "Is that better" she asked me. I nod my head yes, we started make our way back.

Once we made it maya set me down on the couch. "What the hell happened" Missy asked as they made there way to Y/N. "I'll go get one of the doctors" she said. I nod and that's when she left, "as I was walk, I over heard a conversation about bayley... they were planning to hurt her after the show and then they were talking about they were going take her somewhere that no one will find her... and me being me I had recorded the who thing, I was about to leave and show you guys but one of them saw me and attacked me, they took my phone with them" I explained everything. "Wow, we need to tell someone about this" Riley said.

Right as I was going to say something, some came in. "Hi, I'm here to help someone" a guy say. Maya and then move for the guy and he came over setting down his bag. He started check me "do I have permission to lift up you shirt to check" he asked me. I nod and he gave me a small smile before lifting my shirt up a little so he can see if there's any damage. He pulled down my shirt and then turn to face me."so it look like you would need some stitches, so this includes you having to taking off your shirt so if you want me to I can go get a woman doctor if you were to feel comfortable with that or I could do it but it's up to you" he asked. I look over at Maya then back at the guy "you can do it" I say.

He nods and he had me sit up so that he can help take my shirt off. He then hand it to maya and he got what he need out of his bag. I held out my hand out for maya and she gladly took it. "Its going to ok" she said as she sits next to me. "Alright this will sting a little bit but it's just going to clean the cut before I stitch it up" the guy said. He counted to 3 and then poured some of the alcohol on her cut. I squeezed her hand hard, she bend over kissing my forehead and telling me that it'll be ok.

It didnt take long for him to finish up, he wrapped it up "alright all done... you should be able to take the stitches out in two weeks and just take it easy" I nod. "Thank you" I say and he smile "your welcome, is there anything else you guys need before I leave. "Ya um when dose the show start" farkle asked. "Um.." the guy look over at the clock "it look like it she should in 5 minutes" he answered. "Anything else" he asked us and we shake our head no. "Thanks again" I tell him, he nods and left the room.

"So what are we going to do about the bayley thing" I asked them but nobody say anything thing. It made me worried more.

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