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Ok you guys so you picked number 5. That's is Farkle was doing a experiment and had Y/N help him and now Y/N was in class when she was trying to focus but can't because her phone is go off be guy and girl have a huge thing for her, all because of Farkle's experiment. Thank you voting and I hope you enjoy the book.

                           Y/N Pov

I rush out of the house and sat down next to the front door. Riley was call me so I answered it and I could hear  movements. Then I heard her voice "So I know that you dont want me to over this and you kept say that it's going to be ok, but i don't know if it is, I cant stand with all the secret, so I was thinking a lot when I was walking her and I decided if she doesn't then we d-" she got off by Riley. "Maya she loves you" she told her.

"Then why doesn't feel like it, plus she be ignore me and she doesn't even call or text me anymore" she said sadly. I got up and knock on the door. I quickly text riley 'plan B text everyone and get them to topanga's we're going to do that now even if were still in our junior year'. I quickly put my phone in my pocket and just look down.

The door opened and there standing is Maya. "Hey can we talk" I asked. Maya look behind her to look at Riley. Riley nod at her, she look at me "sure" she say softly. I held my hand out for her, she hesitate to grab my hand but she grabbed my hand.  "Ok let's go" I said, "oh hang out Topanga wanted me to grab something" I said "wait her be right back" I said rushing in, having Riley following me.

I look if Maya was following but she was still out in the hall. "Ok I'll text my mom to come help grabbing the things, the only thing we need to finish is cutting up the pieces, ok so have my mom set topanga's and then give Katy note number 2 so she would be at her house, Farkle gets number 3 ge would be at the park with Maya art work, you and Missy at the school art room with note number 4 ,and give shawn number 5 where he going to be at topanga's, ok" I explained and she nods in response. I walked back to maya and grabbed her hand "ok now let's go" i said as I pull her up to the rooftop.

"What are we doing" she asked me. "Going to the rooftop" I said as I opened the door. We walk to the bench, I sat down and pulled her on top of me. "So I know you thought that I dont like you but wrong because I love you with every bone in my body, so to show you is this" I say holding out the notes.

"A note" she asked, "just read it please" I plead. She took paper out of the envelope and started reading it.

'Dear Maya,
So I wanted to so something special that's why I was avoiding you even though it was really hard to. I had everyone helping. So to fine the next clue you have to go to you house.
                             Y/N '

Once she got done reading it she had an confusion on her face. "The whole thing apost to be in the summer but, I over hear you talking to Riley. So I decided to  move it to now because I realized that the whole thing was hard to keep from you and that I was hurting you at the same time" I explained to her. "I'm sorry for over reacting, I thought thT you were..." she trail off.

I felt guilty for making her feel like that.  "Hey it's ok I'm the one who should say sorry for makeing you feel like I was doing that" I told her. "I love you "she said leaning in. I lean in to connect our lips together.

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