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                             Y/N pov

I got text from Farkle

Farkle🤓- hey

Me- hey

Farkle🤓- can you come over so you can help me with the other experiment

Me- ya sure I'll be there in a minute

Farkle🤓- ok see you later

Me- yup bye

I put my phone into my pocket and grab a jacket. I grabbed my keys and went downstairs. "I'll be back later" I yelled out "ok" I here my mom said. Walk out and went straight to Farkle's house.

Once I got to his house I'm knocked on his door. I hear step coming towards the door. The door open reviving Farkle in a lab coat. "Finally your here lets get started" he said pulling me in side.

                          Riley pov

"So are you girl happy that the school year is almost over" Katy asked. "Ya, I mean I'll be able to hang out with friends more" I said. "Of course I am because doing homework sucks" Maya said. Katy nod and went back to talking to my parents as Maya, Auggie, and I talk.

Since we were done eating we went back home. Auggie went to go hang out with Ava. Maya and I went to my room to talk. We were talking about the Wedding.

                         Maya pov

"Do who's going to be your bridesmaid" Riley asked. "You, smackle, missy, Sarah" I answered. "That's cool" Riley smiled, Riley's phone starts to ringing. She grabbed it and looked at who it was "its Farkle" she said pushing the answer button. she put it on speakerphone



"Have you seen Y/N"

"No... why"

"well you see we were testing somethings and then I accidentally spilled a chemical on her and when we went outside people were flirting with her and now she's gone cuz she ran away from everyone and now I can't find her"

"FARKLE" Riley and I yelled

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to"

"I'm going to kill you farkle"

"No your not Maya" Riley said as she glared at me. "Fine but-" she cut me off.
"But nothing" She said sternly.

"So I was hoping you could ask your parents for help to find her"

"Ya I'll ask"

"Ok thanks"

"Ok ill ask right now"

"Ok talk to you later"

                         Riley Pov

He hangs up and I softly put my phone down next to me. Maya got up and face plate on my bed "are you ok peaches" I ask her. She lefts her head up  "oh ya perfectly fine that my soon to be wife is out there being hit on by random people because of Farkle's stupid science thing that failed AGAIN!!!!!" She said as she got up and paced around the room. 

I got up from my seat "She's going to be fi-" I got cut off by a knock on the window. We look over at the window and standing Y/N. I quickly went over and opened it for her, she climbs in "oh thank god you here Maya I need you help bec-" Maya cut her off.  "I know Farkle called us and let us know what happened" Maya said looking down. Y/N turned around and closed the window and locking it. Y/N sat next to me and out of nowhere I get this urge to kiss her. I quickly got up and move to the other side of the room because I don't want to do something that I would regret later. 

I look up at and she look upset about it "i'm sorry I just don't want to ruin my friend ship with any of you" I explained why I moved. " It's ok I understand" she said sadly, " what are you guys talking about" Maya asked. "ok once Y/N came to sit next to me I got this urge to kiss her so that why I moved out of the way so I don't do it" I explained to her.  "oh ok" she say, she sits next to Y/N. "So why am I not getting the urge to kiss her then" she asked. "maybe it could be because you guys dating and that you already love her" I suggested.

Suddenly my door swings open "Riley there's a lot of people outside calling for Y/N or saying " I love you Y/N and all that to think about some reason I have the urge to kiss right now and I don't know why" Missy said. She then stop talking and started to look around the room. Y/N and Missy locks eyes and out of nowhere Missy grabbed my hand and pulling to my closet. She shuts the door "MAYA FIND AWAY TO LOCK THE DOOR PLEASE" she yelled out. " you can feel it to uh" I asked and she nods.

'This isn't good'

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