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                     Maya pov

Y/N and I was cuddling on my bed. We didnt talk, we just lay there. "Maya" Y/N asked, "ya" i say as i look up. "Do you still love me" she asked.

Why would she me that ofcorse i love her. "Yes Y/N I still love you and i will always will i just dont want you to try so hard to impress me because ill love you no matter what and i know that you care about me... You know i care about you.... Y/N i love you" i said.

"I love you to" she said with a smile on her face. I lean in a kiss her on the lips. She kiss back, we pulled apart. I lay back down and she puts her amrs aroumd me.

                (3 hours later)

I woke up to a phone going off. I pick the phone up and it was Y/N mom. I shake Y/N up "hmmm what" she said in her sleepy voice. Aww she so cute when she like this.

"Here" i said handing her the phone. She answer it "yes mom" she said as she yawns. "Im at Maya's" she say in the phone. "Yes the girl im dating" i smile to myself when i her say that. "No we didnt have sex mom... we just made up and i dont think she ready anyways" she said.

"No i force her to fo that... Thats just wrong, plus im not you... We will do when we're ready ok so just drop it please" she say as her eyes close. "Ok whatever i be home tomorrow" she said hang up the phone.

She sat up and lean on the wall spreading her legs. I got in between and lay my head on her shoulder as she puts her arms around me. "So what was that about" i asked.

"Oh she was tell me to force you to have sex with me and i told her no because thats just wrong and i didnt think your ready so ya" she said. "Oh" is the only things i said. "Well im ready if you are" i said. I waited for answer but i didnt get one.

I heard light snores, oh she sleeping. How cute, soon i let sleep take over me again

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now