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Maya pov

"Remember Y/N I wont give up... because if you know me you know that I like my competition" that girl said. "Oh look its fate saying something Y/N" Lucas said. I could feel tears building up so I quietly got up and ran to the bathroom. I stand in front of the sink trying to clam myself down.

Not to long Y/N came rushing in "Maya..." she trails off, "I'm ok" I said quietly. "You know that's not true what he saying" she said. I want to believe that it wasn't true but I know it was true because it's like fate when i met Riley or fate when i meet shawn. "That's the thing Y/N I know it's true" I said. "Oh come on maya I dont think it is because I'm apost to be with you" she said.

I grabbed her hand and rubbed my thumb over her knuckles. "Sometimes in this world we don't get what we want and like people always say if you love so sometimes you let them free" I said. "Maya I dont want her, I want you and only you, I can tell the guy I dont want to go.... i was about to say no before you said something, I wanted stay with you" she said starting to tear up.

I whipped her tears with my thumb. "I dont want you to miss a big opportunity because of me, I really do love you and I know that you love me, but Y/N I-" I got interrupted by Y/N. "No...no you cant just end this like that, I'm not letting you it like this" she said. I took a shaky break trying not to cry. " Y/N... you know long term relationships don't work out" I said. "I'm sorry but I want to break up" I said sadly. I walk out and walk towards the door. I heard my friend call out for me but I ignore them. Once I got outside I whipped my tears and walk home.

Y/N pov

"I'm sorry but I want to break up" She said. She walks out, I'm just standing there until I broke down. I drop to the ground and crawled into a ball. I started crying my eyes out.

I was crying so much that I didn't know that someone came in. "Y/N...." I look up to see Riley there. I then crawled back into a ball.

Riley pov

When I saw Maya walk out of the restaurant, I went to the bathroom to see Y/N cruled up in a ball crying. "Y/N...." I said softly, she looks up at me with tears in her eyes. "What happened" I asked. "S-s-she g-gone....she gone" with that she cried even harder. I rushed over to her trying to calm her down.

Once she was calm we walked back to the table "hey I'm gonna take Y/N home, Maya just broke up with her so she doesn't want to be here, you guys can stay here if you want though" I said. "Y/N I didn't mean to say that, I didn't think that would happen" Lucas said. "Ofcourse you didn't think it would happen, you never thinking before you do things" Y/N said with tears in her eyes.

"Y/N..." Lucas try to speak but got interrupted by her. "No, I just what to go home" she said before walking out. I could tell that Lucas was hurt "get it's ok we all know you didn't mean to and that this would happen soon or later today so it's not your fault" I told him.
"I know it just thought it wouldn't happen now because it did happen I know this is real and its actually happening" he said looking down.

"I know it sucks" I said, "well i better go before she do something stupid" I said. I said my goodbye and left. I found Y/N sitting against the wall and crying again. I walk up to her and sat down next to her. I hug her for a little while, "come on let's take you home" I said getting up hand held my hand out for her. She took my hand and I pulled her up.

Once she up we start head to her house. We barely even talk, it's ok because I understand why she doesn't want to talk. We were almost to her house when she finally spoke. "Can you tell Lucas that I'm sorry for yelling at him" she asked. "Ya ofcourse" I said, we arrived at her house and we stop in front of her door. she gave me a hug before and said her goodbye before she went inside. I walked home while thinking about everything.

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