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                            Maya pov

I woke up to the sun shinging in my eyes. I slowly sat up and stretched out a little. I lay back down and cuddle up to Y/N again. I closed my eyes again as I listened to her heart beat. It's so calming to listening to it.

After a while she starting waking up. I peck her on her neck "good morning love" she say with a smile. "Morning baby, how was your sleep" I asked. "It was good especially knowing that your with me" she say as she kiss my head.

"As much as I love laying here with you, we have to get up for school" she said getting up. I let out a loud groan "i don't want to" I whined. "Well to bad... get up or I wont talk to you for the rest of the day also we won't cuddle" she said. I just lay there. "And no kissea for a whole week" she continued. I was still laying there not wanting to get up.

She sighs and walks out of the run then 2 minutes later she came back. She walk over and lean over so that her lips are brushing my ear. "If you get up we can take a shower together" she said.

My eyes widen and I quickly got up and rush to go to the bath and got undressed. I turn on the water and made sure the water was a good temperature before I got in wait for.     Y/N. Not a minute later she came in "hey" I said with a smile on my face and she smiled back, "hey" she got in and she grabbed the soap and poured   some on her hand.

She started rubbing soap on me, once she was done she let the soap run off my body. "You look beautiful Maya" she wispered in my ear. I started blushing "your beautiful to Y/N" I smiled at her
I wrap my arms around her neck and she wrapped her arms around ny waist. We both lean in. We were fully making out at this point.

The make out turned into more and that is causing us to want more. She slides her hand down and squeezed my ass "mmmm" I moaned into the kiss. She pushed me up against the wall and started kissing down to my neck. She moved her hands to my center. She rubs my fold at the perfect pace. I wanted more then that but before we could we got interrupted.

"Guys your going to be late hurry up" my mom yelled. We broke apart "ok" she yell as she was looking at me with a smirk. "You can do that to me" I whine. "Sorry but we have school to attend to" she said peck me on the lip and got out.

I got out and went to go get dressed. I decided to where one of Y/N sweaters. "Im ready" I said as I walk out of the bathroom. "You look adorable " she smiled "thanks" I blushed again. I clear my throat "so you ready to go" I asked. She kiss me and grabbed my hand "ya lets go.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now