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                            Maya pov

This can be happening right now, Everything was good and now Farkle has cancer. It's like the gods dont want me to be happy or something. This stuff always happens to me.

I back up against a wall and slide down. I put my knees up to my chest and I wrapped my arm around them. Everyone eles was talking to farkle.

I can't lose Farkle, that would officially brake me. Farkle and I beens friends since we were kids.... I just can't lose him.

                          Y/N pov

I look behind me and saw Maya on the floor with her knees up and her arms around them. What broke my heart the most was her crying. I made my way towards her and I sat down next to her. I pulled her onto my lap and held her in my arms. "Hey its ok... everything will be fine honey" I say as I rock back and forth.

After a long couple of minutes, she finally calmed down. The others didn't even know  that she was crying because they were to busy talking to  Farkle. "Like I told Smackle, I'll be fine Riles...I never going to leave you guys and I wont stop fighting because I still need to protect you guys" Farkle said as he sat up move. 

Riley turns around and saw Maya and I sitting on the floor, she came towards us. "what's wrong peaches" she asked with a soft voice. "she doesn't Farkle leave her" I told her since Maya was no focus on her thoughts. Riley nods and sat down next to us taking Maya's hands "Peaches....." She said. Maya look up at Riley "Y/N right Maya, Farkle will be fine" She say with a smile."Ya Maya I wont stop fighting, and I promise that I wont leave you" Farkle assure her. 

Maya nods then snuggle back into me as she pulls Riley into her so she could cuddle up to her too. So I guess that Im  just a pillow now, but whatever makes her happy im fine with it.                                    
                     (4 hours later)

"Alright the next appointment is in 3 week, and if sysaeffets happen or anything weird happened go see your doctor right away" the doctor said to Farkle. Farkle nods "ok so do you have any questions before I let you guys go home" the doctor asked us. I look around and we all shake our heads no. "Ok well I'll go get you prescription then you guys are free to go" he say happily. We say our thank you's. He walks out of the room leaving all of us in silence.

"Hey guys just remember everything will be fine because Farkle is a fighter and he wont give up, right fatkle" I asked him. "Right" he say with a smile "you guys wont get away from me that easy" he say with a little giggle.

The next few minutes we were talking about random things. While laughing at some point.

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