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                              Y/N pov

I stood up and put my phone in my pocket before i grabbed my house keys. I walk down stairs "Ill be right back" I yelled. "Ok" my mom yelled back. I walked out of the house and made my way to Maya's. When I got close I saw her out side waiting for me.

I walked up to her "hey love"  I said pecking her lips. "Hey babe" she say with a smile. I held out my hand for her and she gladly grabbed it and intertwines our hands. "Ok lets go" I said.

We got to the Matthews and Riley buzzed us up. We got into the elevator and press the button to Riley's floor. Once the door closed Maya leans in and kiss me on the lips. The kiss turn into a small make out session.

We pulled apart when we heares the elevator door open. We walked out and went start to thier door. Without knocking Maya walks in."sup losees" said as she enters the house. I walked in behind her and closing the door behind me. "Hey guys" I waved at them "ok so is auggie ready to go" I asked.

"He's putting his shoes on right now" Riley told me as she walks to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle from the fridge. I nod and sat down on the couch. Our phone ding, we all look at it and saw that missy text us in the group chat.

Hotstuff: hey Ill be there in a minute, I just stopped at Starbucks.

Hotstuff: do you guys want anything?

Peaches: ya, can you get me a mocha

Smileyriley: Ill just have what you got

Hotstuff: I can get a large and we can share

Smileyriley: sounds good

Hotstuff: ok, Y/N

Peaches girl: its ok im fine I don't want you to waste all of you money

Hotstuff: I think ill be fine, but are you sure you dont want anything

Peaches girl: ya im sure

Peaches: hey we all know you want one so just get her the same thing as me

Hotstuff: ok sounds good

Smilyriley: oh babe get Auggie something, because he will feel left out

Hotstuff: ok

Smileyriley: thank you babe

Hotstuff: your welcome honey

"MAYA!!" Auggie yelled excitedly, "AUGGIE"Maya yelled back before hugging. They pulled apart and he run up to me "hey Y/N" he say hugging me.
I hugged him back"hey buddy, you ready to go" I asked. He nods excitedly, jumping up and down.

"Ok we got to wait until Missy gets her because she bought us something" Maya told him as she gives me a side hug. I rapped my arms around her as she leans her head on my shoulder. "Ok" he said sitting on the couch turn the tv on.

I moved maya and I to the couch and she sat on my lap as we watch tv with auggie for a little bit, until Missy gets here.

Missy opened the door and walked in with carefully. Maya got up and grab something to help Missy out. "Thank you" she said as she walks to the table and set thing down. Maya pass out the drinks and Missy gave Auggie can of soda.

Missy then grabbed a bag and took out some mini doughnuts. She hand me a big bag of them. "Thats for you, maya, and Auggie" she said. "Thank you" all three of us said. "No problem" she smiled, "ok well we will see you guys later, thanks again missy" I said as we start to leave. "Yup" she say waving us goodbye and we waved back then head to my house.

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