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The limo was here so everyone started to get in. No one talking about me leave, and it's good because I don't want talk about me leaving maya behind. Once everyone was in Missy told the driver to drop us off and this restaurant.

The ride there was fun we were talking and laughing. Riley and Missy were cuddling together, Farkle and Smackle were cuddling together. Lucas and Zay were just sitting together, Maya and I were cuddling up together.

I'm ready going miss this

I tighten my grip on maya and she tighten her grip on me. I look down seeing her looking at me adorably. I smiled "what" she asked. "Nothing, your just adorable" I said. She started blushing but she was trying to hind it so she hid her face in the crook of my neck.

Once we got to the restaurant, everyone got out and went in. "Woah" every excepted Missy said in shock. We walk up to the counter. "Hi how many people" a girl said sounding like she doesn't want to be here. "There's 8 of us" I said. She look up and look at me for a while without saying anything. "It can't be you" she whisper to her self but we could hear her.

"Hey lady are we gonna get a table or not" Zay asked. She shakes her head "um y-ya... um f-follow m-me" she said nervously. I dont know what it is but it feels like I know her. "S-so what can i-i get you for your drinks" she asked. Riley, Lucas, Missy, and Zay asked for coke. Farkle, smackle asked for water Maya, and I asked for (your favorite soda). She wrote that down "ok I'll be right back with your drinks" she said. Before she left she glance at me one more time.

"What was that about"Zay asked. "I dont know" I said. She came back with our drinks. She gave us our drinks, she took out a little note pad and a pen. "Are you guys ready to order" she asked as she looks at me making eye contact. "No" I said, we were still looking each other in the eye. "O-ok I'll be b-back in a bit" she said. Before walking off, "are you sure you dont know her cause she must know you" Farkle said. "I dont know..... I'll be right back" I said before walk to where the waitress went.

I found her talking on the phone so I hid around the corner and listen in on what she was saying. "Yes I know but I got tell you something" she said in the phone. "She here in New York" there was a pause. "No Bob dillon... of course its Y/N Y/L/N the girl who is my ex and the girl I am still in love with" she said. My eyes widened 'no it can't be... wow she look different' I thought. I walked back to my friends.

She came back with a not paid and a pen. "Ok are you guys ready to order" she asked. We made eye contact again, everyone but me ordered their food. I was trying to stop my self from asking her a question. But something inside me made me do it. "Maddie what are you doing here" I asked her.

"So you do know her" Maya asked. "Not here please Y/N" she said. "Ok fine let's go talk then" I said, standing up and walk back where she was before. "Now talk, what are you doing here" I asked again. She doesn't answer, "ok fine.... Do you actually work here" I asked. She still didn't answer. "Maddie please answer the question" I said.

"Ok no I dont here but I do have a friend who does and she let me do this" she told me. "How did you know I was going to be here"i asked. "Your told me that you went to topanga's and then when your friend came to talk over the phone I hear that she was going you here so I hurried and made my way and now we here" she explains. "Y/N I still love you" she said. "I-im sorry but I'm with someone" I said.

"Oh... ok, I guess I'll leave then" she walks away. 'Now I feel bad great just my luck' I walked back to the table having everyone looking at me. "What" I asked, "who is she" Riley asked. "Her ex that still loves her" Maya answered for me.

See I would of expected Maya to be mad but she seem pretty cool about this. Well then again I didn't do anything wrong so. "You spied on us didn't you" I said. "Ya I did, but the question is do you still love her" she asked. "Maya I love you and only you, ya she was my first girlfriend but that doesn't mean anything" I told her while look her straight in the eyes.

"Where does she live" Zay asked. I was about to answer when someone did. "We moved to Hollywood so liv could be in her movie while she having some time with us"

My luck

"Remember Y/N I wont give up... because if you know me you know that I like Competition" she said. "Oh look its fate saying something Y/N" Lucas said. Farkle and Zay punch him in the arm. "Ouch, what the hell" he whines. Maya gets up and rushed to the bathroom and I ran after her.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now