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                  Maya pov 

"So the only thing we know is that we want a small wedding like your mom and Shawn" Y/N said as she puts down the note book and the penn. "Yup" I sigh, I look over at her and she was looking at me like I was strange. "What... Do I have something on my face" I asked her.

"What no.. your just really beautiful" she say while she smiles at me. "your beautiful too babe" I said before I gave her a kiss on the cheek. "oh I got the perfect Idea ever" Y/N said loudly as she grabs the notebook and the pen.

She started to wright something down "What are you writing about" I asked her "ok so I was thinking that we can do a artistic wedding because you love art so why not" she suggested. "ok but what about you" I asked her, she put the notebook and pen down then took my hand.

"Maya I love everything you love and so if having a artistic wedding makes you happy then sign me up because im going do everything I mean EVERYTHING in my power to maker sure that you are having a great life as possible... ya we will fight now and then but Ill still do anything to see you smile" she say pouring her heart out. "I would do the same for you to, I would even kill a bitch to make you happy" we both laughed.
                  .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .   .

"ok so I think that we can stop here for today because we figured out a lot today and we can do the rest on a different day" Y/N said as she gets up and puts everything away. "What time is it" She asked, I got onto my stomach and reach for her phone that was on the other side of the bed on the night stand.

I pushed the power button and it turned on. Her back ground picture was different from the last time I saw it. "You changed you background picture" I say as I look up at her. She set the thing that she had her hand down "uh Ya..." she trails off.

It was a picture of a girl with a side ponytail and she was some kind of pants and a training bra. "who is she" I asked  "she just a family member" She told me. "What's her name" I asked as I sat the phone down on the bed. "Pamela" she said as she sat down next to me. "we don't get to see her that much because she travels a lot for her work" she said as she looks at the picture. 

"what does she do" I ask as I held her hand, knowing that talking about this hurts her. "she a professional wrestler... We use to be really close when we were younger, she's 10 years older then me and now she 27" She explained, "Why haven't you told us about her"I asked, she looks down at her hands.

"My parents don't really like her...my aunt (her mom) told her that if she becomes a wrestler then she can stop calling us her family and before she left she told me that she will never forget me and that she will come back to come get me, but she never did and now she a big famous pro wrestler" I pulled her into a hug. 

"im sorry that happened babe" I say, she hugged me back "do you think she remembers me" she asked in a soft voice. "I don't know honey"

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