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                              Y/N pov

We broke apart from the kiss "ready to go to your house to get the next clue" I asked. "Ya" she smiles, we stood up downstairs to the lobby. When we were outside I grabbed her hand and we started walking to her house.

Once we got there she open my door to her house. Her mom was sitting on the couch watching TV waiting for us to get here. Katy looked up at us and she had a smile on her face "it's in your room honey" she told Maya. "Ok I'll wait here" I told her. She nodded and walked her room.

                           Maya pov

I walk into my room I see a dress laying on my bed with a note on it. I walked over to my bed and grab the note I started reading it.

Dear Maya,
Hey honey, okay so the dress as under the note is for you. Please put it on without any questions. And the next clue is it's where you put your artwork at to give you a hint it's a park.

I put the note down and grab the dress about to my bedroom door and shut it. I put the dress on. Once I'm done I walked out to the front room. Both my mom and Y/N you're looking at me in awe. "You... you look gorgeous honey but then again you always do" Y/N said as she slowly walks up to me. I started blushing "thanks" I say quietly. Y/n held out her hand and we both start walking to the next clue.

We got there in like 3 minutes. I saw Farkle sitting on a bench Riley and I on in freshman year. We walked up to Farkle, when we got in front of him he stood up and hand me the note.

You're very close the next clue is your favorite class in school that should be a easy one. Oh and by the way I love you

Y/n, farkle, and I go out to the School. Then we went straight to the art room. Once we got there I just saw Riley and Missy standing there. They hand me the note.

Okay last place and this is where we hang out all the time.

                            Y/N pov

Every step he took towards Topanga's I could feel nerves getting worse by every step of the way. "What's wrong you're shaking" Maya asked. "I just hope that this goes well" I told her. She just knows her head and response as we kept walking.

Once we got to Topanga's everyone was inside. Maya and I was the only ones outside. "before we go in I just want you to know that you don't have to answer now but do you want to know the answer to this, Maya... I love you ever since I saw you on the subway
and I will always love you until the end of time" I said. I kissed you on the cheek before walking in.

She follows behind me, but when she got in her favorite music starts to play. Shawn gave her the note.

This is the last place with a clue. Could you read this out loud so that everyone could hear it. Maya you are everything to me and I hope that I'm everything to you. I've been looking for a person like you since I was born. I'm glad that I found you when I'm still in school cuz who wants to date old woman right? But anyways every time I'm in my room just laying on my bed thinking of random things like that is always randomly finding things to think about you. Like in class I will look at something random and then my mind just starts to think about you. You're the first thing I think about in the morning and the last thing I think about before I go to bed. I always think about what our future is going to be together and I know that I want to be with you until the end of time. I'm kind of hoping that you would too cuz you're like my world and my everything. I want to start a family with you and that means a lot. I want to have Valentines with you every year of my life I want to wake up beside you every day. I want to kiss you everyday I want to hug you I want to do all those couple things that married couples do. I want you in my life until the end of me. So Maya Hart will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me

I was behind her on one knee. She looked up from the note and turn around. She has tears in their eyes and her hand over her mouth. I held up the ring in front of her. "so what do you say" I asked.

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