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                               Y/N pov

Us four decided to walk to Topanga's together. Riley and Maya are a little ahead, talking about whatever they are talking about. They were also laughing, on the other hand Missy and I are walking behind them.

"So have you and Maya talked about the whole wedding thing... like do you guys know what you want to do" she asked me. I looked down at my feet the look up so I could see where I was going. "Um not yet" I tell her, she looks over ton me "why not" she asked. "Well uh I guess we really didn't thought about it... so what about you and Riley" I asked her as I change the subject.

"Things are great, I love everything about her... so when we were in middle school I bully her because I like her but when I was doing it I didnt realized I was hurting her until I heard her cry in the bathroom..." she trails off. She took a deep breath before talking again.

"Then 8th grade came up and it was the first day, it was just us their for a few minutes... once she saw me she looked scard and I didn't like it, it made me feeling guilty and I know I should because I made her feel like that, so ever since then I try to make it up... we became friends then friends became into more then that" she explained to me.  "Well im glad that you guys  together now" I told her.

"Ya me to" she say with a big smile on her face. We saw the girls stop and look over at us. "Come on slow poses" Riley yells wirh a giggle after. I look over at Missy and saw that she was looking at Riley in awe. I lean over "Dude stop staring and start walking because your being creepy" I wispered to her. She elbowed me in the stomach "shut up" she wispered loudly.

I held on my stomach "uh ouch... That was not ok dude" I said before I walk of to her and punch her on the arm. She stop and glared at me. My eyes widened, I nervously laugh as I was walk backwards a couple of steps before I sprit away. She was running after me "Oh you are so dead Y/L/N" she yelled.

"Oh no you don't" I hear Maya say. "Oh come on... why do we have to.do this again" she whines as she runs with us. I was getting tierd already. We ran all the way to Topanga's.

I ran in there "oh hey-" Mrs.matthews started but was cut off when I ran behind her. Missy ran in anz stop glaring at me. Not to long Maya ran in then Riley ran in but she couldn't stop so she ran into Mrs.matthews and I. "Sorry mom" she say as she gets up. I groan in pain "sweet that babe for getting her for me" Missy say with a smirk.

Riley blushed "uh ya sure.." she said. Missy peck Riley on the lip. "So im guessing Y/N hit Missy again" Mrs.matthews said as she brush herself off. "She stated it" I say as I point at her. "Whatever you say sweetie" Maya say walking over to me and side hug me. I put my arms around her and we both walk over to the chair. She sat on my lap now.

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