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                     Maya pov

It was 1 in the morning and I'm still up talking to Y/N. I could stay up for weeks if it met I could talk to her.

Babe😍❤- hey beautiful

Me- hey babe

Babe😍❤- how my baby doing

Me- good, what about you

Babe😍❤- good and bored a little but until I started day dreaming about you

Me- aww your so cute

Babe😍❤- so what you doing

Me- just sleeping over at Riley's  house

Babe😍❤- and how's that going

Me- it was fun at first but now she asleep and I'm bored as hell

Babe😍❤- hey least we're talking now so you dont have to be so bored

Me- ya

Babe😍❤- so what do you want to talk about

Me- me I want to talk about you

Babe😍❤- nah I'm to boring to talk about

Me- no your not

Babe😍❤- am to, plus we should talk about you

Me- no

Babe😍❤- yup

Me- I'm to boring to talk about

Babe😍❤- sorry babe but we are

Me- ok well to me I think I'm boring as hell

Babe😍❤-I think that you are very beautiful and caring and loveable

Me- I think that your more then that, your a goddess, caring, loyal, adorable, loveable

Babe😍❤- aww

Babe😍❤- I love you

Me- I love you to babe

Babe😍❤- I wish I was there because I want cuddles

Me- we can do that tomorrow

Babe😍❤- but I want cuddle

Me- tomorrow

Babe😍❤- fiiiinnnne

Babe😍❤- your lucky I love you

Me- aww I love you to

Babe😍❤- you know if I had to wait for you I would wait for you if it met I could have you in my life

Me- all I would wait for you to

Babe😍❤- aww you love me

Me- I do love you

Babe😍❤- ya I'm really glad that I met you

Me- I'm glad I met you to because you my everything

Babe😍❤- aww your my everything thing to

Me- aww, but you do know if I had to choose between you and Riley I would pick her

Babe😍❤- I know that, she your best friend and you knew her long so I get it

Babe😍❤- plus I would of done the same

Me- liar

Babe😍❤- lol ok you got me i won't, I probably pick you every time

Me- aww

Babe😍❤- ya there like no way I could live without you

Me- I can't live without you to

Babe😍❤- I got a question

Me- what's that

Babe😍❤- what do you see us in 10 years

Me- well I see us still together and still really in love

Babe😍❤- aww that's so cute

Babe😍❤- me, I see us married and have 2 kids with dog and us still in love like we are now

Me- I like yours better then mine, I would marrie you anytime anywhere

Babe😍❤- awww same here anytime anywhere

Babe😍❤- well I'm going go to bed I'm tiered

Me- ok good night, love you

Babe😍❤- good night love you to

I put my phone down and got comfortable. I close my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Dreaming about Y/N and I.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now