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                           Maya pov

"If I cant have you then you cant have her" Nia said as she pulls out a gun and points at bayley. She pulled the trigger all of sudden Alexa was face bayley. "Noooo" I hear Farkle yelled as he got up and jumped off, he grabbed a bar and it Nia as hard as he can. She felled down to the ground, farkle the went to attack the next guy but the guys shot farkle in the stomach.


I got up and jumped down and quickly grabbed the gun that Nia dropped. Missy jumped down and help farkle while bayley was helping Alexa. Sasha took away a gun away from one of the guys. "PUT THE GUNS DOWN NOW" I yelled. "Hey kid look over here" a guy said and I look over to see him pointing a gun at Y/N head. I rise my hand up "drop the guns both if you" he said.

Both Sasha and I dropped the guys "now kick them over here" he said. We did what he said and before I know everything when black.

                         Bayley pov

Alexa looks down and the look back up "I'm sorry" she said before falling over. I caught her before she hits the floor "nononono you need to stay awake" I say trying not to cry. "Bayley... it's ok, I'm just your ok" she said as she trys to take a deep breath. "I-Im s-sorry t-that I m-made y-your life f-feel l-like crap" she say. "It's ok... just stay with us" I say as a tear sliding down my cheek.

She reach up and whip the tear away but she keeps her hand there "I-I l-love y-you bay-bayley" she said. "I love you to" I said as I'm still crying. Her hand slowly fall down, her breath is getting shorter. "ALEXA, Please you leave.... ALEXA" I yelled as I'm crying more.

"Move!" A guy yelled, it was the paramedics I stood up and let them do they're thing. I turned around to see that Y/N was still tired up so I ran over untie her she get up and hugs me while crying. "I'm sorry, I did get to you quick enough" I say. "its ok, came though" she said, we pull a part and she looks behind me. I turn around to see a teary Maya, Y/N ran up  Maya "Maya!" She yelled as she went to hug her. They both was crying, I look around and see that Farkle was hurt to. 

"Bayley" I hear, I turned around to see who called my name and it was Sasha. She came up to and hug me "I'm glad that your alright, we should go to the hospital for them" she said and I nod my head. She everyone else and we head towards the hospital. Sasha was driving her car and I was driving Alexa's car.  

We got there after a long drive, "I quickly got out of the car and run up to the group. "So I'll check up on farkle, and you can check up on Alexa" sasha explains. I nod in a response and then we rush in. Sasha was first "hi um we're her for Farkle Minkus" she said. The person look at the computer for a while "ah there he is, so right now Mr.Minkus is in Surgery" she explained. "Ok thank you" sasha said with a smile. Everyone except me went to go sit down. "Hi, I'm here for Alexa Bliss" I say with a small smile. "Ms.Bliss is in surgery too" she said, I nod and thanked her before I when to sit down.

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