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                            Maya pov

After breakfast Y/N had to go home to change then she said she'll come back. So I took the chance to take a shower. Once I got out Y/N was sitting on my bed.

I had on a big button up t shirt on because I forgot to grab my shirt so I put on one of Shane shirts on until I got to my room. "Hey, that was fast" I said as I walk to my closet. "Ya I know" she said. "But you know you don't need to walk back into the closet because everyone already knows that you out" she laughs.

"Really Y/N" I turned around to look at her. "Yup, I just had to" she giggles. I shook my head and turn back around to pick out a shirt. "Oh come on you know that was good" she whined. Once I found a shirt I like I unbuttoned the big button up shirt and put on the one I picked out.

I felt arms around my waist "you know you look hot without a shirt on" Y/N whispered. "Thanks" I giggled, i turned around in her arms. I lean in and kiss her and she kiss me back. "So what do you want to do" she asked.

Well it's almost the end of the school year so it's close to summer. "What about talking about summer, like what you want to do, what we can do" I said. "Ok what do you want us to do then" she asked me. "Ummm what about we cam got on a vacation" I asked. "Ok where do you want to go" she asked as she sat down on my bed and she pulled me to my lap.

I giggled when she pulled me into her. "What about going to Paris" I said. She smile "the city of love uh" I could the light in her eyes when she was thinking about something. "What are you thinking" I asked. "You and me in Paris just having a great time" she said as she smiles.

"So do you like the idea" I ask her, "of course I do...anything you want to do is what I would do even if I don't like it but this idea I love alot" she say. "You my parents got married in Paris" she smiled. "That so cute" I say in awe, "see I dont care where we get married all I care about is that I want to be with you for the rest of my life" she told me.

I couldn't stop smiling, she giggled at me. "Damn your so cute" she giggled. I hide my face in the crook of her neck. I love being with her, she so cute and sweet. "Where do you want to get married" she asked. "I dont care I just want to be yours" I said before leaning in and kiss her.

"Good to know" she smirks, "I love you Maya" she said as she hides her head in the crook of my neck. "I love you to babe, forever and always" I kiss the to of her head as I put my arms around her.

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