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                            Maya pov 

I woke up of the smell of food, I look around and saw that Y/N wasn't in bed. I slowly got up and stretched a little bit. I got up and I saw Y/N sweater and put it on without anything under it. It was big on me so it was covering most of my body.

(A/N: pretend that she was in her room and standing up)

(A/N: pretend that she was in her room and standing up)

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I walked out and I saw Y/N in the kitchen. I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Hey love" she said. "Hey homey, what are you doimg" I asked her. "Im cooking breakfast for us, and I went out to get us something for lunch and dinner" she told me. "Oh ok" I say, she set the pan on the other side of the stove and turned it off.

She turned around in my arms to face me. She leans in and pecks my lips "how did you sleep" she asked. "Good, what about you" I asked her. "Same as you" she smiled. "here take this over to the table please" she asked as she hands me a plate of bacon.

I put the plate dow on the table and she came with to plate that had eggs and hashbrowns. She gave one to me and them she set hers down. She sat down and I sat down on her lap. She wrapped her arm around me.

I grabbed peaice of bacon and split it in half. "Open up" I said, she opens her mouth and I popped the bacon into her mouth. She kisses me on the cheeks "thank you love" she said as she chews up the food thats in her mouth. She then grabbed the other half and popped into mine.

Once we got done eat I helped her clean up. "Ok so what do you want to do" I asked. "I hope we could just hang out here and just be together" she said. I smiled at the thought of she want to spend the day with me. "She do you want to watch a movie" I asked. "Sure, you can pick" she told me. We walked over to the couch and put on Netflix.

I pick a random movie from my list and cuddle up to Y/N side. She put her arm around me and the movie started to play.

                      (5 hours later)

We just got finshed with the fourth movie. "Ok what do you want to do now" I ask. "Do you want to help me with lunch" she asked. I smile and nod, we got up and head towards the kitchen.

She gabbed out the food "you got my favorites" I asked. "Well ya of course I did" she smiled. I gave her a hug and then I leaned in and peck her lips "your the best" I said with a huge smile on my face. "I know" she said proudly.

We started cook the food and sometimes when we were wait on the food we would dance together or just simply make out.  Once the food was done we put everything on the table. "Hey before we start eating I want to show Riley how amazing you are" I told her. She smiled at me "whatever you want" she said. I grabbed my phone out and took a picture and sent it to Riley.

Me: look what Y/N and I made

Me: well technically Y/N made and u watch but same thing

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Me: well technically Y/N made and u watch but same thing

Riley: aww she made your favorite

Me: ya she the best

Riley: aww that cute, I wish Missy could do that for me

Me: lol ya, well im gonna go eat

Riley: ok bye peaches

Me: bye

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