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I pick it up to see who it was and it was Y/N so I answered it. "Hey Y/N what's up" I asked. "Maya needs you" she told me. "What why....what happened, did you hurt her because I swear to God if you d-" I was cut off. "No i would never hurt her it just right when she there the producer came and she answered for me then he left and now I have to do it" she said quickly where I could barely understood her but I couldn.

"That a good thing right" I ask. I didn't want to say the wrong thing. "No... it's not I have to move to Hollywood now" she told me. "Ohh..." I said look down know that maya is probably not doing ok with. "Ya.... ummm could you meet get everyone to Topanga's please I want to say goodbye before I go" she asked.
"Oh and tell your crush I said bye"she counties. I was about to tell them that Y/N said bye but then I stopped myself. "H-how-" I studded over my words.

"Hey it's fine I'll keep the secret but you do know that they deserve to know.... and I'm surprised that I fingered it out before farkle did... just make sure you both treat each other right" she said. "Ok see you guy soon... bye" she say before hanging up. I put my phone in my pocket. "Who was that" they asked, "Y/N.... she knows who my crush is....and she moving to Hollywood.... wow" I said in shocked. "I got a question for you"

"Ya" i asked, "Am I your crush" they asked, I looked down while blushing. "I like you to Riley" they said. "Ummm I know this might be one of my stupidest choices because of the last time they saw you but do you want to go with me and say goodbye to Y/N" I asked. They smile at me "I'll love to" they said, I took out my phone at text everyone and to them to meet up at topanga's.

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