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Maya pov

We were 4 blocks away from my house. "Hey babe can you carry me the rest of the way... my legs are getting tierd" i asked her. My legs wasnt really tierd i just want to be close to her. " ya sure why not" she say as she pick me up bridal style.

I let out a giggle as she starts walking. "What" she asked, i just laughing. "What... why are you laughing" she asked me. I shake my head "it like we just got married because of the way your varying me" I explained to her. She nods in response, she had a smile "i bet you can't wait for that day to happen" she teased.

"Your right I can't wait because I want everyone to know that I'm going to how an amazing wife ever and that I love her so much that words can't explain it" I said as I snuggled into the crook of her neck. She kiss me on top of my head "I want everyone to know that I love you so much to" she said.

We got to the building "can you help me open the door" she asked. "Sure" I say as I grabbed the door handle. She put her foot in front to stop the door from closing again then kick it to open it more. We walked in to the lobby ans walk straight to the stairs. "Why aren't you using the elevator" I ask. "Because I want to use my muscles" She smirks.

"Show off" I said, she chuckled as she started walking up the stairs. "What i been working out lately and you should really see my 6 pack" she said as she looks down at me with a smile. "You have what now" I asked.

"If you want to I could prove it to you when we get to your room" she asked. "I..." I trailed off, I couldn't find any words. "Im going to take that as a yes then" she say as she take the last step and walk to my aoartment door. I helped opened the door and she lightly kicks opens the door. She walks in and kicked the door closed and walk straight to my bed room.

Good think that my door was open. She set me on my bed then went to close the door. "Thanks for carrying me" I said. "No problem my love" she said walking over to me. She sat down next to me and pulled me into her. With out telling me she took off her shirt leaving her in a tank top. "What are you doing" I asked. "Im showing you my 6pack" she said.

She stood up and left up her shirt revealing her stomach.

Holy shit...

That's fucking hot

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That's fucking hot

"Thanks love" she smirks, "i said out loud didn't I" I asked. She nod and pulled her shirt down. "No dont do that, take of you tank top" I whined because I couldn't see it anymore. She chuckled at me "why don't you make me" she said.

I quickly got up and grabbed her take her tank top not guving her time to react. I quickly took it off her tank top and throuw it on my bed. "damn that was fast" she say in shock. I took a step closer to her. I trace the lines with my finger causing her to shiver under my touch.

I move my hand up to the back of neck and pulling her down for a passionate kiss. She quickly respond, she put her hands on my waist. The kiss turned into a make out session.

She moves her hands down "jump" she said without breaking out the kiss. I wrapped my arms around her neck and then I jumped up. I then wrapped my legs around her waist. She walked to the bed and gently put me down on the bed while she was on top.

The kiss was more rough now then before. I pulled back and lean uo to take off my shirt. I lay back down breathing heavy from the kiss. We were both starting at each other for a second or two. "Are you sure" she asked, i nod my head. "Ok " she say quietly that you could barely hear it.

I grabbed the back of her neck and pull her back down to connect our lips together...

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now