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I grabbed my phone out of my pocket. I text everyone to meet up at topanga's.

To: Farkle🤓❤, Isadora🤓👷‍♀️, Lucas🤠, Maya🙃❤, Zay🤡
Hey Y/N wants us all meet her at topanga's especially you Maya, Oh and I bring someone with me so dont be mad, Y/N told me that they could come so.... see you guys in 5min❤

Farkle🤓❤: ok see you there

Isadora🤓👷‍♀️: ok

Zay🤡: ok see you there bro

Lucas🤠: who's the person your bring with?🤔 Do we know them? 🤨Are you hangout with them today is that why you say no to the offer of the date I asked you earlier?😕


Lucas🤠: so that a yes 😐

Zay🤡: oooooooooo Lucas is getting jealous

Farkle🤓❤: Lucas not the time to talk get your butt over to Topanga's now!!!!!😡

Lucas🤠:😨 but I want to know

Farkle🤓❤: 😡not now get over here now!!

Isadora🤓👷‍♀️: damn farkle, me like this side of you😉😍

Lucas🤠: ok ok I'm coming then we will talk Riley

I shake my head as I read the messages. I put my phone back into my pocket. "Ready" I asked, "ya let's go" they said. We walk out of their house and walked to topanga's. Once we got there we saw Y/N on the couch.

"Hey" I said "hey"she said looking up at us, she smile when she sees my crush next to me. "Sit" she said, so we did. Not to long Farkle, smackle, and Lucas showed up. Once they saw her they stopped in their tracks. "Why is she here Riley" Lucas asked. I looked him straight in the eyes and you could see the anger in them. "Is she the person you been hangout today" he continued to ask questions.

"Hey huckleberry what are you so piss about " someone said behind him. I look behind him and saw Maya. "LOOK FOR YOURSELF" he yell pointing at us. Maya walk towards Lucas and look at us. I could tell that Maya is pissed to but trying to hide it. She took a deep breath "honey why is missy doing here" she trying to stay calm.

"Umm... b-because uh because s-she my c-crush a-and I uh I really ummm really like her" I said nervously. "WHAT!!!" they all expect Y/N yelled. I look over at Y/N and she just nods and smiles at me. I took a deep breath again and grabs Missy hand. "Look I know you guys dont like her but I do and ya I know  what she did to me is wrong and all that happened last 2 years but the last 5 months spending time with her made things different between us, I really like- wait let me reffraz that, we really like each other and If you really do care about me you would except my decision" I told them. It was silence for a minute or two.

"Ok" Maya said "but if you hurt her I would literally kill you with my own two hands and dont think I won't" Maya threatened her. Everyone agrees with her and I look over at Missy and gave her a smile. She smiles back "ok since that's done can we get to the part about why I wanted you all here" Y/N said. "Ya ofcours" I said, I look over at Maya and her smile disappears.

Everyone sat down, zay and Lucas sat next together, Farkle and smackle, maya she sat in the window. "Ok so I wanted to tell you guys that I am doing the whole singing thing" she said. "That's great Y/N" Zay said, and Farkle, smackle, and Lucas nodded in agreement. "Ya, but the thing is... I'm moving to Hollywood" she said quietly.

"What... but you, and Maya" Farkle shuddered over his word. Lucas look over at maya and then look back at Y/N. "So your just going to leave just like that? your just going leave and not think about how she felt about this or not even going to talk about this, LIKE WHAT THE HELL Y/N-" Lucas got interrupted by Y/N. "WHAT.... REALLY YOU THINK THAT I HAVEN'T THOUGHT ABOUT THAT....YOU THINK THAT IT WOULD LITERALLY LEAVE MAYA LIKE THAT....I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO CHOOSE WHAT I WANTED TO DO.... FOR ONE I WAS GOING TO SAY NO BECAUSE HOW MUCH IS LOVE HER, I couldn't leave her like that, I couldn't leave anyone of you like that" she said tears running down her cheek. Everyone in the cafe looks at her.

"Then who chose for you" Lucas asked. "I did" a soft voice said, we all look up at Maya. "I told the producer that she would do it" she stands up. "Why" Lucas asked her. "Because I didn't want her to miss out on a great opportunity like this because of me, because I didn't want her to decide not to do it and regret it, because if you really love something you set it free, so dont get mad at her, get mad me" Maya said. She sat down by Y/N and held her hand.

"When do you leave" farkle asked. "Tommorw night" she answered, "oh" he said looking down. "Hey guys come on we shouldn't be sitting her all sad we should spend the last few hours with her as much as we can" I said. "Ya Riley's right we should do something"
Zay said.

"Why dont I call my dad and ask him if we can you his limo tonight and we can drive around and go out to eat and I will pay for it" Missy said. "No that ok I dont want to waste you money" Y/N said. "Oh come on I'm trying to make up the things I did the last 2 years, so please" Missy said. Everyone was silence, Missy and I look at each other and I nodded signaling that she could do it. She stood up and walk outside to call her dad.

"Hey Riley can I talk to you alone" Y/N asked. "Ya sure" u said as I got up. We walked to the back.  "Could you make sure that Maya will be ok" she asked. "Of course I am her best friend" I told her. "I know I want her to be ok" she said with a sad expression. " you know she tough on the outside but soft on the inside, but my point is that she loves you and your her first person she dated just when you move make sure you keep in touch ok" I asked. "Ya" she said, we hugged. I hid my face in the crook of Y/N neck. We stayed in that position for a couple minutes.

We pulled apart from each other and smiled at each other. "Come on let's go sit back down "she said, holding out her hand. I took her hand and we walked back to our friends. We sat down in the same spot. Once I sat down Maya grabbed my arm and put it around her and she cuddled up to me. I look down at her and smiled. I kiss the top of her head.

Missy came back in with a smile. "Alright everything is good and the limo should be here in any minute now and he also gave us some money to go out and do things tonight" she said. She sat  back down by Riley.

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