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We could finally get farkle out of the hospital. So yay, right now we are heading back to Bayley's hotel room. "So what do you guys want to do on you last day here" sasha asked us. "Could we just stay in tonight because I really don't want to push myself and getting hurt, if that's fine with the rest of you ofcourse" farkle said as he trying to sit up more on his sit. "I'm ok with it, we can do a movie and game night with  just us" I suggested.

"I'm in since Y/N in with it" Maya said as she smile over at me. I put my arms around her and pulled her close to me and she just snuggles up close to me with a big smile. "We're in to" Riley said,  "alright sounds good I can have bayley drop off alexa with you guys and we will go get some food and drinks" Sasha said. "Ok" we all said, we sat back and enjoying the ride as we listened to music.

"We're here guys" Sasha said, riley was the first on out then it went missy, maya, then me and maya helped fatkle out. Once we were all out of the car bayley rolled up with Alexa. Bayley got out and helped alexa, I walked over and helped alexa. "Bayley, your coming with me to get some food and drinks" Sasha said. Bayley nod and walk over to me, she hand me her hotel card "we will be back" she said and I nod. She got in the car I grabbed on to Alexa's arm and helping her inside. We went to the elevator and waited for it to opened. "Thanks for helping me Y/N" she said with a small smile. "Your welcome, I mean you would do the same for me so" I said. "I would but maya would probably push me out of the way" she say and we both laugh "ya probably" I say still giggle.

The elevator door opened and we all got into it. Missy pressed the button that lead us to the room. "How you feeling farkle" Missy asked. "I'm in a little pain" he said. "I'm sorry" she say sadly, "it's ok, I'll be ok let's just enjoy our last night" he say and she nods in a response.  The elevator door open we headed to the room. I hand the key card to maya and she opened it for us. Riley and farkle wait for them to get inside before they walked in. Then I help Akexa in the room. I set her down on the couch "You good, do you want some thing to drink or eat" I asked her.

"Can I get some water, I feel a little dizzy" she asked. "Ok water it is" I went to the kitchen part of the room. I grabbed a bottle from the fridge. I walk back over to Alexa and handed the water bottle to her "Here you go" I smiled. She thanked me, I walked to the balcony to find Maya standing there looking out. I made my way to her. I opened the door and then closed it, I went behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

I kissed her neck before look forward and laying my chin on her shoulder. "What you thinking about" I asked softly. "Just about us and how I'm lucky to have you in my life" she smiled.  "And that I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with you" she said as she spends around in my arms. She wrapped her arms around my neck. "Also how much I'm still falling for you and that I think that I'm going to keep falling for you by every second" she said softly as she stare straight into my eyes.

Her eyes were sparkling with love and happiness. "What about you... what are you thinking about" she asked. "Oh you know how amazing and beautiful my soon to be wife is and that I'm in so in love with her" I smiled. "God I love you" she said with a smile. She leans in and connects our lips together.

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