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I woke up by my alarm going off. I turn off my alarm and slowly got out of bed. I made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. Once I got done, I walk to my closet to pick something out.

Once I got change and went down stairs to get some breakfast

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Once I got change and went down stairs to get some breakfast. I could hear my mom talking to my dad. I walked into the kitchen and my mom handed me my food. I started eat while I was listening to my mom and dad conversation.

Once I got done I put my dishes in the sink. I rush out of the house without a word. I walk to Maya's house to pick her up.

I stop in front of the door and knock on it. Nobody answers so I knocked on the door one more time. Still no answer, I walked down stairs and went to the fire escape. I climbed up to her window, I look through the window. She was still sleeping, so I quietly opened the window then quietly climb in trying not to wake her up.

I look at the time and it was 6:30am. I sat down on her bed admiring her beauty. I kiss her on the cheek and then her forehead. I then is her on the noise, I then I sat back up. "You missed a spot" she said in her morning. "This right here" she said as she was pointing to her lips.

I pretend to think for a moment and shake my head "mmmmm I don't think I did and if you really want it why don't you just take it" I just said the smile on my face.

"Ohh I will" she said before she smashed our lips together. She flipped us around where I was on the bottom. She climbed on top of me. The kiss was rough and passionate.

After a couple of minutes we pulled apart. "You do know that we have to get up because we have school to go to" I said. "Do you mean we have hell to go to" she said. "Yup that's the one" I said with a smile. She got up and got ready, when she was done we went to pick up Riley.

It was time for lunch, Maya and I walked into the cafeteria hand in hand. We got our lunch and went to our table where Riley, Lucas, Farkle, smackle, and Zay were sitting at. "hey guys what's going on" I asked. "Nothing much we were just talking about how there's a singing contest next week" Farkle said.

"Yeah and whoever wins get to sign a contact" Zay said excitedly. "Oh cool" I said before I took a bite of my food. "Are you going to do it" Maya asked. "Ya Lucas, Farkle, and I are going to be in a band" Zay said with the boys agreeing with it. "I would do it if Maya does it with me" Riley said. "So what do you say Maya will you do it with me" Riley asked.

"Sure, why not" she said, "Yaaaay" Riley said excitedly. "what about you babe are you going to do it" Maya asked. "probably not I'm not a really good singers" I said as I finish my food. "You should do it and if you're not going to do it for you at least do it for her" Farkle said. "I guess I can, so when is it"  I asked.

"Next Friday, we have to sign in and we have to have a picture of us for they can pick out the winner" Isadora said. The bell rang and we got up and throw away our lunches. We walked to class and finish up the school day.

Once school is over I headed to Mya's Locker. I waited for her for about 10 minutes. Once you go through a locker she could peck me on the lips. She thing I asked stuff and we walked to her house.

Once we got there we went straight to her room. "so did you and Riley figure out what's on you guys going to do" I asked. "No not yet, what about you" she asked. "Nope not yet" I said, we lay down on her bed cuddling.

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