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                            Y/N pov

My other friend came over to us and I introduce them to bayley and sasha. We stand there for a couple of minutes until a security guard came over to tell them that they have to go in side. Bayley told him that they will be in there in a minute and then she looks back at us.

"Well it looks like we have to go"she said with a sad expression. "Hey why do we take them in with us" Sasha suggests. "Will we get in trouble for it though" I ask her. "Nah you guys should be fine, I mean you'll be with us soooooo" sasha said. "Ya, that's a good idea" bayley smiled. "So what do you guys say" Bayley asked.  "We in" Missy answered for Riley, Farkle, and her. Then they look at maya and I "It's up to you babe" Maya said.

"Hey it'll be ok if anything I'll protect you" Sasha said with a wink. I could tell that it got to maya so I just pulled her closer to. "That's ok, I mean that's why I have Maya for" I say as I kiss Maya on top of her head. Maya had a big smile on her face. Sasha just rolled her eyes. "Let's go"I say as I grabbed Maya hand and pulled her towards the building. Maya was giggling as was walk "what's so funny" I asked.

"I think she jealous because she cant have you" she laughs. I let out a giggle before I opening the door for her. I held the door for everyone else to. Once we got in I walk back up to Maya and grabbed her hand again. Maya look down at our hands then look back up. She gave me a smile and I smiled back. "I love you Y/N"she said before packing me on the lip. "I love you to Maya" I say with a smile on my face. They took us to their dressing room. "So this is our dressing room" Bayley said. There were a big flat screen on the wall and then there were a long couch in the middle of the room. There were picture of them on the wall and they also have a table of food. They was a bathroom.

"Man this place is awesome" Missy say as she sat down on the couch and turn the TV on. Riley went to go sit next to her. "OMG Missy look they have a dog" Riley said excitedly. She went to go pet the dog. "Actually that's not are dog it's our friends dog and her name is Sarah" Sasha explained. We nod in a response and watch Riley pet the dog. "Hey Y/N can we talk outside will quick" bayley asked. "Ya sure" I say, I kiss Maya on the cheek before I let go of her hand and walked out with Bayley.

I shut the door behind me "what's up" I asked. "Does your mom know that you here" she asked. "No she doesn't" I say as I look away. She let out a sigh "you do know that I have to tell your mom right?" She say and she moves so that I'm looking at her. "Why though, you don't have to do that because you know that when you call her she gonna make me go back and I won't be able to see you anymore because she won't let me" I say.

"Look I get your do like it be she's just wants to protect you and yeah she hate what I do but what she doing is just to protect you... I would love to have you stay with me because I missed you like crazy, but I promise you mom that I'll make sure that your safe and you being here all by yourselfs is not safe Y/N" Bayley said. I scoffed "and that's why your here so technically we are safe so what's the problem" I asked. "The problem is that there people who like taking kids like you and killing them and If anything happens to any of you then that's on me... I cant just have that happen because I won't be able be there for you 24/7" she say a little louder. She look down and took a deep breath.

She look up so that we looked at each other in the eyes. "Look I'm not going to lie to you anymore..." she say. I look at her in confused. "Your mom doesn't hate me, she actually happy that I'm doing this... the reason why she wont let you see me is because I asked her to" I say. "What" I say in disbelief, "why" I asked as I was getting angry. "Because...Because I knew you were going to hold me back from doing what I love to " She blurt out. I couldn't believe what I just heard.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I opted the door to the room "come on you guys we're going home". "Why we just got here" farkle asked. "Ya I want to stay to watch them fight" Missy said as she stands up. Everyone nods in agreement. "Can we just go home please" I yelled. "But we want to stay for the show" Missy whine. "Plus our ride already left Y/N"Farkle said. "I DONT CARE LET JUST GO HOME" I yelled out in frustration.  Maya walks up to me "honey come down, ok why do you want to go home anyways " she asked.

"Because I just do" I said as I step back from her. "Why though, you were happy but now you want to go home... what happened, is it about bayley" she asked. "Can we just go" I say "no not until you tell me why and plus I also want to stay and because we dont have the money to get a ride back" she explained. Bayley walk over "Y/N just let them stay"she said. I glared at her "YOU KNOW WHAT FINE IF YOU GUYS WANT TO STAY WITH BAYLEY THEN GO RIGHT AHEAD OH AND MAYBE SHE'LL DITCH YOU LIKE SHE DID TO ME" I yelled out before walking out.

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