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                             Y/N pov

"Damn Matthew, get it" I say, causing them to split apart. Maya smacked me in the back of the head. "Hey! That wasn't nice" I say rubbing my head. "Well then shut up and stop staring at them" Maya growled. I rasie my hands up "ok sorry" I backed up and went to sit down at the baywindow as Maya pull the two girl out of bed.

"Nooo.... riley!" Missy whine as she reach for her. Riley crawled over to her and pulled her back to the bed. Maya finally let go of Missy. None of us ecen caring that they both were still naked. Maya went to the other side and tryed to pull Riley off but Riley was hold Missy tightly.

"Y/N come help me please" Maya said as she's getting frustrated. I got up and walk over to the side where Missy is. I started pulling Missy off of Riley. It was one of the harfest thing I could ever do because they just wont let go.

When we finally got them apart, Maya took riley to her closest to get dressed. I took stood in front of the door so I could keep Missy from trying to get Riley to.... you know.

Once Riley was done we pushed Missy in the closet to get dress. "So why are you guys even here" Riley asked as she was brushing her hair. "We are going to find Y/N cousin" Maya replied. "And why are we going" Missy asked walking out of the closet. "What took you so long to come out Missy" I asked trying not to laugh. Maya let put a giggle, one of my favorite things to listen to. "Ha ha very funny" Missy said as she rolled her eyes.

"Hey babe you and Missy go to her house and get her packed and I'll help Riley get packed" Maya said. I nod as I walk over to her and give her a quick peck on the lips before Missy and I left.

                          Maya pov

"You guys are so adorable" I hear Riley say. I couldn't stop smiling as I was thinking about Y/N. "Ya we are" I say with a smile. I grabbed a suitcase from under her bed and put it on top of her bed. I opened it and started putting some clothes in there that Riley picked out already. "So do you know her cousin name" Riley asked folding a shirt.

"Um ya it was like Pamela or something and she's a professional wrestler and her wrestler name is bayley" I said as I walk into her closet to grab a couple of sweaters for just in case. "Oh thats cool" She said, I nod as I put the sweater in. I pulled the zipper down to close it.

"we are done and ready to go, now we just have to wait for the other two" I said. "What do I tell my parents" she asked. "Just say that Farkle is taking us camping" I said. She nod at walk out of her room.

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