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Bayley pov

The movie was over and Sasha and I was still sitting on the couch as everyone else got up. "Do you want to talk to her now" she asked. "Ya sure" I said with a smile. We both got up "Hey Bliss we got to talk" Sasha said. Alexa nods and walked over to us. "Ok, follow me so we can talk in private" Sasha said, follow sasha to the bed room and when we are in she shuts the door and locks it so that no one would come in.

"What's going on" alexa asked, I sit down on the bed. "Ok so no one knows this about me and Bayley... we are dating" Sasha said. Alexa look shocked, she looks over at Bayley. Bayley nod in confirmed "but before you say anything I know that you love and now I know that she loves you to.."Sasha explained. "But I still love sasha to" I said, "so what we are try to say is that I'm ok with you guys being a thing but you have to promise that you'll be fine with being a thing also" Sasha said. "And maybe, just maybe we could start be a thing to if you want" sasha continues.

"So you guy are willing to have three way relationships... with me" Alexa asked. "Only if your ok it... I mean I doing this to make bayley happy" sasha said. It was silence for a couple of minutes. "So are you in" I asked, she comes up to me a kisses me on the lips. "So I guess that's a yes" Sasha laughs a little. We pulled away and face Sasha and then kissed her. "Yup that's a yes" I with a giggle. They pulled away "damn bliss, you can kiss" Sasha said. "Oh I see how it is" I faked pout and sasha smiled "oh you know I still love you" she before kissing me.

Y/N pov

The movie was finally over and we all went straight to the table. Bayley, Alexa, and Sasha went to a different room to talk. It was about 20 minutes when that came back out. "So what should we play" bayley asked as the tree of then sit down with Alexa in the middle. "Oh I know, we should play Never Have I Ever" I suggested. "Ya sure" they all agreed "ok does everyone know how to play this" bayley asked. Everyone but Riley said yes. "That's ok, so Riley to play this you hold up both hands revealing 10 fingers right, so let's say Maya said never have I ever liked unicorns or something and if you have you put a finger down then take a shot but if you haven't you don't do anything... do you understand how to play it now" Bayley asked her. She nods her head in a response "ok then let's get started so I'll go first and then will go clockwise and it will in on Y/N" Bayley said.

Sasha stood up and grabbed a bag full of shot glasses. "We bought 16 of them just in case" she said. She set them down then she went to go grab the drinks. She sat back down and filled the shot glasses up. We all got two of them "alright never have I ever fallen off a bike when I was a kid" Everyone but farkle took a shot and put a finger down. "You never fell off a bike when you were a kid" Bayley asked. "Nope I was to busy looking after those two"he said pointing at Maya and Riley. She nod her "ok my turn, never have I ever had sex before" Alexa said. Sasha, bayley, Missy, Riley, Maya and I took a shot. "Ok never have I ever been a straight a student" sasha said.

This time it was only Farkle and Riley took a shot. The game went on for hours and there was laughing and just having.

(Next day)

We all was saying our goodbye to the three girls and we got into the van and we drove back home. Once I got home I been getting yelled at the whole time. But hey it was worth it for sure.

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