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Topanga pov

I called Corey "hey honey, where's Riley" he asked on the other side of the phone. "Hey, I let her stay home" I said. "Oh ok" he said. "Ya, so hey do you know where Y/N lives" I asked. "Ya it's (your address).... why" he asked.

"Riley wants to see if she ok because of this morning" I said. "Oh.... well class is (ring)... starting so I should get going" he said softly. "Ok thank you... see you soon ok love you bye" I said before hanging up.

(Y/N house)

I arrived at Y/N house, I walked up to the door and knocked on it.
The door open and there was Y/N with puffy eyes.

"Mrs.Matthews what are you doing here" she asked. "I'm just going to say it ok" she nodded her head. "She wants me to bring up to Topanga's in like 30minutes for you can talk to maya and fix this, Riley is bring Maya so ya.... let's go" I said pointing behind me.

"I'm sorry Mrs.Matthews for making come here for nothing but I just not really in the mood to talk to her" Y/N said. "Ok.... nope you coming so let's go" I said pulling her out the door.

"Buuuut whyyyyy" she whines. I pulled her to my car and she got in. I drove to Topanga's and we got out of the car.

Y/N pov

Walked in the only peoplein her is Riley, Maya, Topanga, Katy, and I. "Come on guys let's let them talk" Topanga said. They all walked out and closed the door.

I look over at Maya, we both sat down. Nobody is talking, the door open and Riley sticks her head in "talk" she said. The door closed again.

"I was just trying to show you that I care" I said. She looks up with anger. "No your showing me that you feel sorry for me" she said.

"I want you to be happy, I know what your going through... I'm just trying to show you that I care and I would do anything" I say holding back tears. "Y/N, YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I BEEN THROUGH, YOU THINK YOU DO BUT YOU DON'T SO JUST STOP WITH THE PITTY" Maya yelling as she stands up.

"I was just showing that I care" I said. "If this relationship going be like this then I'm sorry I just can't" she said. "Maya, come on don't do this" I said about to cry.

"Y/N... I-I just can't im sorry" with that she walked out. I just sat there not saying anything. All I could feel is pain and then I just broke down.

Maya X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now