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                            Maya pov

I was up all morning with Farkle making the cure. But once we were done it was like ten in the morning. "Yay we're finally done" we both said.

We walk out of the room, farkle walked over to the couch and past out. I chuckled as I shake my head. I walked over to where Riley and Missy was sleeping at last night. I knocked on the door but I got no answer. So I knocked again and got no answers. I was about to opened the door when I hered the front door open. "I really hope the Y/N doesn't hate after what happened the morning"I hear Missy say. "She's not going to hate you, she knows that you didn't mean to" Riley told her.

I walked up to them "hey guys, where did you guys go" I asked. "Oh we went to get all of us breakfast" Riley said holding up a bag. "We also got Y/N her favorite candy to cheer her up" Missy  say as she grabs out Y/N favorite candy. "Wow wait a second how do you know Y/N favorite candy" I asked. "Uh because she eats it like every day at school during lunch or when she at Topanga's studying with us duh" Missy said.

"Huh I guess I never noticed that" I say. "Anyways here your guys stuff" Riley smiled as she hands me our things. "Thanks guys" I said giving them a hug. "Your welcome peaches" Riley hugs me back. "Ok ok you got your hug now let go" Missy said trying tl separate us. When we finally let go Riley glared at Missy "really missy, you know better to get in between Maya and I hugs" riley said sternly. "But-" Riley cut her off "no buts you know that Maya and I are just friends"

"Ril-" I try to talk but they kept arguing. "G-guys" I say but still nothing, "ya ok then" I said walking to Farkls room. The rest of the say Y/N and I was watching Netflix and cuddling.

(Next day)
                            Y/N pov

Today is the day that we fine out if the cure works. Maya left 5 minutes ago, so I been stuck up here bored out of my mind. I heard a knock on the door. Maya walks in "you ready" she asked "ya lets do this" I say getting up and walk over to her.

We intertwine our hands together and we went down stairs. She let go of my hands and walking over to the room they we in for the last couple of days. She came back out and hands me the bottle. I chugged it down but this time it didn't taste so gross, it tasted like blueberries.

Once I was done I set the bottle down. "Well at least it didn't taste gross" i chuckled. "Your welcome by thd way" she smiled. "Ok guys get out here" she yelled. They came out slowly "so..."Maya asked. "Nothing" Farkle smile, "ok so far so good Missy come a little closer" Missy stop halfway. "Nothing I don't fell nothing" she smiled. Everyone was getting really happy at this point.

Maya took a deep breath "ok Riley your turn" she said nervously. Riley came and in between Maya and I. She turms around to face Maya but she had a straight face on "peaches......

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