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                         Alexa pov

I quickly got up and rush over the guy, I grabbed him by the shirt and the rim of is pants and pulled him off. I throw him against the wall as hard as I can. I pick up bayley "you get her and I'll help sasha with the other guys" I told her she nods and rush of to Y/N and pulled sonya and mandy off of her. I ran up to the ring and slide in and quickly got up and kick one of the guys in the knee causing him to fall to the ground.

Sasha punch the other guy in the face, without saying anything we both knocked out the other three out. We turned around to see bayley getting beat by mandy and sonya. Nia grablolbed Y/N the shirt and pulled to the back. Sasha and I rush over to bayley and pulled mandy and sonya off of her. I let sasha grab bayley as I deal with the girls.

I helped sasha to get bayley to the back. "So why all of the sudden you helping us" Sasha asked me as we are walk to the her room. "Because I know it's not right to attack family members, even if  I really hate you guy I still care about it exactly how young she is" I admit. "Well thank you" she say as we got to Bayley's room. Sasha pushed the door open and we walked in. We walked over to the couch and gently set bayley down on the couch.

"I'll be right back" Sasha said, she runs out. I look over at bayley I can see there was blood on her lip so I got up and went to the bathroom that was in her room. I grabbed a paper towel and soaked it with water. I walked back to Bayley and carefully whipped the blood off, I looked for more cuts just in case but i didn't see any so it was just on her lip. I got back up and threw the papaer towel away.

"Ohh my God my head" I hear Bayley groan. I turned around and "hey" I say softly. She looks up at me "hey" she say. She sat up. She held her head "fuck that hurts" she said, I walk over to her fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. I went over to bayley "hey" I say, handing her the water. "Thanks... so um where's sasha" she asked me. I look towards the door and then back at her "im not s-" I cut my people walking in and run up to bayley.

"Oh my God bayley you ok" a blond say as she rush over. "No... they took Y/N and I couldn't help her..." she say with a sad expression. Bayley look up at me "oh by the way thanks for helping" she say. I nod, sasha run "we need to go now because they're driving away with Y/N, and dont worry I threw my phone in bracelet in the car" she say.

We all look at her confused "hows is that going to help us fine Y/N" the blond asked. "Oh right... I put a tracker on my bracelet so i did lose it because it was my mom's" we nod. "so are going or what" she asked. "Ya" I said, I went over to bayley and helped her up. She wince in pain "sorry" I say as I stop moving "it's not you it's just hurts to move" I nod.

'I could carry her... I mean if I'm able to pick her up then I'm cable of carrying her' thought to myself. "Hey, hold on" I say, I picked her up "you good" I asked. She nods and I start walking sasha glares at me and I dont blame her. "Do worry I'm not going to hurt her" I say, as I pass her. We made our way to the parking lot. "We're almost there" I told bayley, she nod her head as she wince in pain again. We got to sasha car "ya we're not going to fit so bayley can rid with me in my car" I say. "No, there is no way I'm letting that happen" sasha say. "Look I'm not going to hurt her ok" I yelled.

"And how am I a post to believe you" she yells back. I was getting frustrated "because I love her ok" I yelled without notice what I said until I said it.  "I'll behind you" I say walking off with bayley. "I can feel bayley staring at me. "What" I asked as I get to my car. "I-is that true" she asked. I nod as I open the passenger door opened. I gently set her down and then closed the door. I walk over to the driver side and got in. I grabbed the key from the glasses hold the was on the roof of the car. I start the car followed sasha.

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