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This chapter is just going to be group chat.
Smilyriley(Riley) added peaches(Maya), peaches girl (Y/N), hotstuff (missy) to the group chat.

Smileyriley: hey guys🙃

hotstuff: hey babe💋❤

Peaches: hey riles😌

Peaches girl: hey riley

Peaches: so whats going on... why are we in a group chat🤔

Smileyriley: oh I bored🙁 and I can't go anywhere because i have to watch auggie😫, i would of invite Missy but my dad yelled no😡and then I was going to invite Maya but they said that i have to spend time with auggie,🤬 so right now im just watching tv with him😒

Peaches girl: i got an idea

Smileyriley: and whats that🤔

Peaches girl: i can call you parents and ask if auggie come over so we can talk to him about being part of the wedding and then you and missy can go hang out

Peaches: so wait you want auggie to be part of the wedding💍

Peaches girl: if you want... i just trying to help

Peaches: no... i mean its fine but what do you want him to do

Peaches girl: idk yet thats why we have to talk about it

Peaches: oh ok

Peaches girl: ok so does that work

Smileyriley: ya, sure😁

Peaches girl: ok ill be right back then ill be right back

Hotstuff: damn she to nice🙄

Peaches: ya thats one of the reasons why I love her

Smileyriley: aww that so cute❤

Hotstuff: no babe we're cute😏😉

Smileyriley: 🙄no their cute and we're just wierd

Hotstuff: wierd how?🤔

Smileyriley: you know how you would...you know and then you want me to do it to you because you think it feels great but in reality it's weird

Hotstuff: hey you told me you liked it😤

Smilyriley: you should know me im nice, and plus i like everything you do so now shhhhhh

Peaches: 🍿

Hotsuff: did you really just shushed me?

Smileyriley: uhhhh.....no😶

Hotstuff: thats what i thought😏

Peaches girl: ok so your parents are fine with it, so Ill come and pick up auggie

Peaches: well 'we' will pick up👭

Peaches girl: ok we will go pick him up lol

Smileyriley: ok see you soon then😌

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