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                           Maya Pov

I lock the closet door like Missy asked me to, then I sat next to Y/N. "What are we going to do" she asked me. " I don't know honey maybe Farkle is already doi-" I got cut off by Riley's phone going off. I lean of Y/N and grabbing it, I press the answer button.


"Hey, did you find her"

"ya she right next to me right now"

"wait if you right next to her then why aren't you tring kissing her or trying to get into her pants like everyone else"

"Maybe it's because we are already in love... I don't know but that what Riley said" 

"uh maybe she right, she I was running some test and I think I can make a cure before 3 weeks"

"What do you mean before 3 hours, what going to happened in 3 weeks" 

"well you see if we don't make a cure before 3 weeks then I guess Y/N wont have just person in love with her because the world would be in love with her"

"well that just great" Y/N sighed 

"you better fix Farkle" 

"I will I promise"

"well I got to go and get Y/N some where safe"

" ok bye"


I ended the call and set the phone down I unlocked the closet door and let them out. "ok so Y/N and I are going to head to my house, Riley would you please go help farkle with this please"I asked. she nods and Y/N and i climb out of the baywindow. We rush to my house, well try to at lest.  When we running down the streets people would grab Y/N and pull her close to them. Once we reach my house we rush in and locked the door, we walked to my room and sat down on my bed.

"I should of said no to Farkle" Y/N said quietly, I pulled her in a side hug. She lean her head on my shoulder. "Everything is going to fine babe" I told her. I get up and grabbed my computer from my dresser. I went back to sit back against the wall and pat on a spot next to me. "Do you want to watch Netflix" I ask her. "ya sure" she said as she sat next to me and grabbed the blanket and covered us with it. I log in to my computer "So what do you want to watch" I asked. "Umm I don't know... what ever you want to watch is fine with me" she answered.

I click on something random and put my arm around her. "I love you maya" Y/N said as she looks up at me. "I love you to Y/N" i say before leaning down and connecting our lips together. We pulled away and she snuggle in to more.

God i love this girl

For the rest of the night we spend it watching Netflix while cuddling.  Hoping that things will get better.

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