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Y/N Pov
I got off the subway and head to school. As I'm walking I could hear the two girls behind me.

I know it wrong to eavesdrop but I really want to know what they're talking about. So I slowed down my pace so they were a little bit closer and so that I could hear them better.

"that girl in front of us, she's pretty cute" one of them said. I smile to myself, "wow peaches I thought you were straight" the other girl giggled. "I am... I mean I thought I was" the first girl said.

Wow should I go talk to her

I keep walking try to act like I'm not listening to their conversation. "What do I do riles" Maya asked. "Well first figuring out your sexuality, then I don't know... just telling you now I would love you no matter what" Riley said. "Thanks riles". We got to school.

Watch this guys

I opened the door and hold it opened for them. When they were walking by the blond was looking at me. So I have her the best smile I could give her then I wink at her before walking in myself.
Maya pov
The h/c head girl winked at me before walking off. I could feel something in my stomach it feels weird.

"Maya" Riley yelled, I look towards her "Ya" I ask. "You zone out, you ok" she asked. "Y-ya I'm fine" I said walking next to her.

We walked to are lockers and we saw our friends waiting for us. We walked up to them "hey guys" Riley cheered. "You guys are later, where were you guys" Farkle ask. "Well we wouldn't be later if Maya wouldn't be checking out that g-"I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth. "Nothing ok, let's just go to class" I said pulling Riley to our class.

My friends were giving me a question look. I just brush it off and walked into Mr. Matthews class. I sat down at my desk and my friends sat down at thier desk. "Peaches you know you have to tell about it some time" she said. "Tell us what" Farkle asked "nothing' I said.

God I hope they don't fine out

The bell ranged and the rest of the class came in and sat down. Mr.Matthews came in "good morning everyone". He was about to write something down someone walked it. I turn around to see who it is.

Oh no this is going to be hard

"Hi, new student" he asked "yes sir"she replied. "Ok well you can take a sit by maya" he said pointing at the seat on the left of me. She sat down and looks at me with a smile.

Mr.Matthews wrote something on the chalkboard. I look up at the board and it said sexuality.
"Ok class I know that in the teen years is going to be hard to find out what your sexuality is and it's hard to accept it to... so what I'm talking about today is sexuality... sexuality is a part of life so there is different kinds of them like heterosexual, bisexual, lesbian, gay, pansexual and many more"he said walking around the room. "So Farkle what does gay mean" he ask Farkle.

" gay means two guys liking each other" Farkle said." Very good Farkle, now Riley tell me what bisexual means" he asked. " bisexual means if a person that likes both girl and boy" she explained. " good job Riley, now Maya tell me what lesbian means"he asked.

Everyone looks at me, I took a deep breath " lesbian means if a girl likes another girl" I said. "good job Maya, Lucas tell me what pansexual means"he said.

"Pansexual is that you would date any gener"Lucas answered. "okay good Zay tell me what heterosexual means" he asked. " heterosexual means is if a person likes the opposite gender" Zay answerd.

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