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I was sitting with Maya while Lucas and Riley were sitting together. Farkle and smackle was sitting together, while Zay was sitting alone. "So Y/N what did he talk to you about" Farkle asked. "Well he said that I sounded great and he was telling me how he was a music producer and that he was one of the best, then he asked me if I still wanted to become a singer I just told him that I had to think about it first" I told him.

"you should have told him yes cuz this chance only comes once a lifetime" Lucas said. "Yeah but I think Lucas is wrong cuz you have a great voice Y/N and I think you will have more chances like this throughout your life" Zay said. "Yeah I agree with Zay" smackle said as she raise her hand. "I agreed to" Riley said, "thanks guys but I'm not even sure if I want to do this or not cuz if I do I won't have time to hang out with you guys or be able to go to school and learn even know I hate it but I won't have time for you guys and that's a big problem for me" I said.

"Ya, we get that but we will figure things out if we have to Y/N" Farkle said. Out of nowhere Maya stands up and walk out of building without saying a word. All of us was so confused of why she left. "I'll go talk to her" Riley said I should gets up.

As really was walking out of the building my phone went off. So I answer it "hello" I asked. "Hey honey I need you to come home right now cuz dinner is ready and some producer guy just came over" my mom said. "Oh ok I'm coming" I said before I hung up the phone. Look up of the boys "well um I guess I got to go so I'll talk to you guys later" I told them before I left.

I walk out to see Maya and Riley at a table talking. I walked up to them "hey.....so um I got to head home for dinner ummm I'll talk to you guys later.... Maybe" I said. "yeah ofcourse talk to you laters Y/N" Riley said with a smile. I gave Riley a hug goodbye and then went over to Maya and tried to give her a kiss goodbye but she turn your head sideways causing mean to kiss your cheek.

I didn't want to say anything to make things worse so I just dealt with it. I told them bye one more time before I left to go home.


"that was very good Mrs.Y/L/N and thank you for the food but you know I'm here right" he asked my mom. "No not really"my mom said. "right, okay well I'm here because your daughter has a wonderful beautiful voice and I was wondering if you were okay if I became or producer and make her famous for her music" he said. "but before you decided on anything yet let me tell you somethings about what I would do for you and your child"he continues. My mom just not to let him know that he's able to keep talkin.

"okay you don't have to pay for anyting cuz I'll give you the things that you need but the thing is before we decide all this I had to let you guys know that if you do choose to do this you guys have to be able to move to Hollywood, so anyway if you do I would get you a house to live in and get you guys set up to go and when you guys are able to do things on your own I'll let do your own thing, the first thing that we do we would have to write you a song then we would have to record it and edit all that stuff if we need it ummm we would have to let you hear of course before we let it out and then if you say it's good and we will let it out and let the people decide if it's good or not" he explained.

"we would make you a website and all the media accounts that you need and then if you want we can make you those music videos of course and then we will go from there" he continues. My mom looks up at me and back at him. "How long do we have until we get to decide on this" my mom asked. "I'll give you two days, but after that I don't think I can give you more time so choose your decision wisely" he said. "Ok thank you very much we will let you know" my mom said as she pushed him at the house.

Once the door was closed she leaned on the door and looked at me for a second. "this is your choice to make not mine okay so take your time and whatever you choose all right there for you no matter what" my mom said. "Thanks mom" I said as I hugged her. "anytime honey, well I'm going to head to bed I will see you tomorrow okay" she say before kissing on top of my head then walks up stairs.

I walked in my room and laying on my bed. I couldn't sleep so I was staring at the ceiling. Before I knew it I fell asleep.

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